Lion & Sugarsync

I’ve been using Scrivener with Sugarsync for almost a year and it works 90% of the time. The other 10% it has the well known “filename (from A’s-macbook).rtf” problem, which is easy to fix manually.

But with Lion that file naming snafu has become much worse, making Sugarsync unusable for the moment. Has anyone else experienced this with Lion? Any sense of a fix? I saw the dropbox topic and assume it’s a similar issue.

Otherwise-- hoorah for Scrivener!

Probably not. The Dropbox problem was caused by their code using RAM hacks to modify Finder icons to indicate sync status. These hacks didn’t work in Lion, and there were other issues as well that caused sync to break. The beta fixes the sync problems. I am not sure why SugarSync would suddenly have an abundance of conflict problems, any news on a Lion fix?