Hi Scapple community,
I’m new to Scapple (but have happily used Scrivener for a while) and am trying to seamlessly integrate Scapple into my workflow. I’m not sure how to accomplish the following and would appreciate any advice.
When I add a longer note (say, a paragraph or more), it predictably fills as much space as there is text. Of course, that makes sense if I wanted to print the mind map and is probably exactly as intended by the developers. However, it also means that the more information I put into a single note, the harder it is to navigate the mind map, as it gets cluttered with bulky notes. Ideally, I’d like a note to have a part that is constantly displayed (a heading, or just a sentence) as well as a part that can be hidden (a paragraph, or a document attached to a note, that can be opened on request, like a read more function). Basically, I want my Scapple notes to be easy to navigate visually, but I also want them to have substance, i.e. to contain or link to longer paragraphs or even entire documents.
A nice functionality for me would be one which combines Scrivener and Scapple so that I can take Scrivener notes and treat them as Scapple notes that can be rearranged visually, linked, labelled, etc. While I can manually go to Edit → Copy Special → Copy Document as External Link and then paste that link into a Scapple note, there are two issues that I encounter which makes this method difficult to use consistently: 1) I have to first click into the Scapple note three times to be able to activate the link (not a deal breaker but somewhat annoying), and 2) when I click on a link it merely opens Scrivener but doesn’t go to the exact document I want to link to.
I tried searching for similar posts but haven’t found much on this topic. I’d be very grateful if you could refer me to the relevant posts if there are any.
Thanks a lot!