Just wondering what people have used for travel (and writing).
Just to explain. I use Scrivener 3 on my laptop for most writing. I also have Scrivener on my iPad - which is great for writing in bed or at a cafe. But I also realise that the IOS version is cut down and lacks a few features. Not sure I could use it all the time - but great for the continuation of a project and then coming back to the full version.
But I was wondering what people use for long term travel ? Do they use a laptop ( I’m thinking MacBook Air ) or an iPad with a keyboard ( which is more versatile for travel - drawing, photos etc).
What this effectively means for a writer is whether one is using the full version of Scrivener (the laptop) or the cut down version (the iPad).
Anyone had this decision to make and what did they go with ? Has anyone tried the iPad (with the IOS version) for long term travel ? Interested to hear thoughts on anyone who has tried it.
No decision req’d. Both.
The issue is not “long term” v “short term” travel. It’s what I expect to “do” while travelling. I expect to work on my Scrivener projects without messing about–MacBook. And I expect to write in the hotel’s coffee shop occasionally–iPad/iPhone.
There is your answer.
The iPad version has a very different workflow.
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MBA every time. Found I couldn’t really get on with the iOS version, as what I was doing required features of the full version. And, for me, MBA is as portable as iPad + keyboard.
Thanks for all the feed back. Just interested to hear peoples opinions on what option they took.