Does anyone else find this problem with the Styles Panel (MacOS 15.1, M2Pro MacMini, Scrivener 3.3.6)?
I don’t normally have the Styles Panel open, but I checked it while perparing to respond to @KimYoonmi:
Does anyone else find this problem with the Styles Panel (MacOS 15.1, M2Pro MacMini, Scrivener 3.3.6)?
I don’t normally have the Styles Panel open, but I checked it while perparing to respond to @KimYoonmi:
No problem here, checked on multiple projects
Thanks @RuffPub.
Very odd. Actually, having created a new project, it seems to have sorted itself out, including on the project that I had open when I took that screenshot.
The problem is that you put it too narrow. You need to expand it sideways or up your resolution.
Whatever it was, I didn’t make it too narrow, I merely opened it and it was like that without my doing anything. I closed the project, re-opned it later and it was back to normal.
Let me know if you find a consistent reproduction case - I haven’t been able to replicate this unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view).
Hi Keith,
It happened again yesterday with a completely new project from a new blank template that I had made, which included the styles I had created. Sorry, I was too busy with that project to report at the time.
What I did notice was that the styles which were affected, were ones which were not in use in that project. I temporarily gave a paragraph each of those styles, used “Redefine Style from Selection…” and the panel returned to normal.
I’m using my MBA rather than the Mini at the moment. I’ll check with that project on here and set up a new test project with that template on the Mini and let you know in due course.
PS In the screenshot above, the styles in question, which are affected, are all styles I have created or modified, rather than the default ones.
Hi Keith,
Sorry about the delay in getting in touch again… but I’m sure you have lots on your plate.
It seems that:
If it would help, I’ll send you a copy of my “Standard” template for you to see what happens on your machine(s)