macOS Sierra

For anyone interested, people who have installed the developers preview for macOS Sierra are reporting that scrivener works just fine under that beta. Interestingly, Ulysses crashes upon launch. Here’s the link to MacRumors: … s.1977335/

So far, so good.

Good to know.

However, this makes me cringe because there is always someone who decides to install a beta version of OS X on their main (or only) system, tries to do critical work with it, and has no backup when said work is destroyed by a crash. Leading to mutually frustrating and unhelpful conversations with the support team.

Don’t be that person.

Don’t use beta software – especially an early beta like this one – for critical work, and ALWAYS make sure you have a dependable backup. (Note that Dropbox is not a backup, and Scrivener’s automatic backups may not save you if you have to reinstall OS X from the ground up.)


I have found that Scrivener 2 will crash when you use “Merge all tabs” on macOS Sierra, so avoid that for now. I’ve also had a report that it crashes when compiling a PDF, although I haven’t investigated that yet. In general, other than a quick check to ensure the software actually runs, I don’t think about trying to get Scrivener compatible with a new OS for the first month or two of the betas, because the early macOS betas tend to be very buggy and there’s no point working around issues that will be resolved for the final version. But rest assured that I will be ensuring there is a version of Scrivener that works very well on Sierra!

For me it’s crashing at any compile, otherwise fine


El Capitan is just getting nice and stable.

I got burned jumping on El Capitan to early - I ain’t updating this time until .1 or .2.

I don’t know if you want reports of things we find at the moment, it’s very early, but from my light testing on macOS Sierra:

  • The registration failed with a -2003. Deleting the framework everywhere and running the eSellerate Updater fixed it.
  • As mentioned by others, Compile crashes the application.




Compile seems to be working as of Sierra seed 2. It was crashing for me on seed 1 but does not on seed 2. “Merge Windows” also no longer crashes the app, but it does destroy everything inside the windows (resizing them so that they are not visible), so that is still not usable in Scrivener just yet.

Another interesting question about macOS Sierra:

As we learned from the WWDC keynote Sierra will allow the users to save their complete document folders in the iCloud (that is, if the folder is small enough or you pay for extra iCloud storage space).

A certain long awaited iOS app that will be given birth to next Wednesday uses only Dropbox to sync because the iCloud does not work well with its package file types.

So does that mean that either Apple is working on an improved iCloud service for Sierra or that we have to put all our Scrivener and equally complex files into a Dropbox folder? Even if we don’t want to sync them but just to save them from getting screwed up in the iCloud?

As far as I understand it’s an opt-in feature and I do know for sure I won’t tick that box until I also do know for sure nothing bad will happen.

I haven’t seen anything in the release notes that suggests that the iCloud frameworks have been enhanced enough to support Scrivener files. The way things stand, even if they opened them up a bit more, we would need a team of specialists able to replicate the sort of low-level magic Apple creates with its single file formats working to do the same with Scrivener projects. So we need the iCloud frameworks not only to be opened up but also to be enhanced specifically to handle the sort of thing Scrivener needs to do much more easily. I can’t see that happening any time soon, although I have explained to Apple all the issues involved.

Compile to PDF worked fine in Public Beta 2 (Beta 3 overall). 284 page document.

My question wasn’t at all meant as a disguise for “When, oh, when will there finally be iCloud sync for Scrivener?”

What I meant was: Scrivener is not the only software using package formats that at the present state of iCloud things can not be synced properly with the iCloud. So when Apple introduces the document folder in the iCloud feature with macOS Sierra but without a significant improvement of the iCloud technology—aren’t they doing something really dangerous?

Given this was released to the wild earlier in the week, my machines are now all switched over to Sierra. I’m not seeing any issue at the moment. Even Siri seems happy to launch Scrivener if I ask her nicely.

I’m curious, when it comes to the iCloud integration, whether Apple has actually solved some of this? Sierra now optionally moves ‘all’ of your files (your /documents folder) into iCloud if you let it, so I can only imagine this would be a Bad Thing if they’d not looked at what happens to package files. Mind you, never quite know with Apple.

It doesn’t work good for me. It periodically freezes. Either on startup or at shutdown.
My documents are in Dropbox (I’m using Sierra’s Documents in iCloud feature but Dropbox folder is outside ~/Documents).

My iCloud drive sometimes simply wont sync. The files on my Mac just sits there. To get it going I have to restart the Mac. The problem is that iClouddrive has a quite obscure way of warning for this. Quite annoying.

Since I’ll be stuck with Yosemite nearly forever, I hope Scrivener will be backward-compatible for a very long time…,


I recommend thinking twice–maybe even three or four times–before enabling the new iCloud Drive Desktop and Documents “feature.” And if you decide to go ahead, be sure to check all your Scrivener backup and file settings the next time you open the app. I had Scrivener set up to save to Dropbox and back up to my local hard drive. When I enabled Desktop and Documents, Scrivener could no longer locate the backup folder because Apple, in its infinite state of “who cares if what we’re doing completely defies logic and what users will expect,” completely MOVES the Documents folder instead of just linking to it and allowing you to keep it wherever the hell you want.

Also, if you decide you no longer want to use the Desktop and Documents feature, you’re in for a whole other ring of hell. Your Documents folder no longer exists as far as you can see, but the OS won’t let you simply create a new one because it’s really there in some inner sanctum that Apple doesn’t want you to touch. When you disable D&D, it erases any files you had in your Documents folder on your local drive and only retains what you had in iCloud Drive, which is the opposite of what you probably wanted. And yet, it’s something that’s quite likely to happen because if your Documents folder exceeds the size of your iCloud Drive, and you decide you don’t want to pay Apple for storage of something that was perfectly fine where it was in the first place(!!!), only the files that got copied over to the iCloud Drive before you ran out of storage will be retained when you disable this mess. If you didn’t know all this in advance and plan accordingly, you’ll then be stuck doing the dance of the seven veils through your Time Machine backups to find the missing files and move files from the iCloud Drive folder to the “new”-yet-empty Documents folder on your local drive.

Are we having fun yet?


Someone asked “how many ways can we $#@% the user with a single feature?”


It must be. There’s no way they could screw something like this up quite so much without intent. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hanlon’s Razor seems appropriate here.