Manual Error and a broken keyboard shortcut

The keyboard shortcut to inspect comments and footnotes seems broken. The manual version of the shortcut and the one in the manual are different and neither work. see images

There is a little more than that going on. When I close a project with the inspector closed, then re-open the project and press Win-Alt-K, the Comments and Footnotes inspector panel appears. If I then click the Inspector button on the toolbar to close the inspector, then hit Win-Alt-K, nothing happens, but the Comments and Footnotes panel should re-open.

And if I have the inspector open, switch away from Comments and Footnotes, then hit Win-Alt-K, the inspector switches back to the Comments and Footnotes panel as expected.

Agree nothing happens if inspector is closed, but for me Win+Alt + K does not work (win 11 pro, latest version of Scrivener) could be keyboard conflict, but my command list shows it intact. For me Win + Alt + H for notes does not work either. The manual is wrong as well. The other commands do work