Metro support...

I’m just curious if there are any plans to support Window 8+'s metro interface in full screen mode. I prefer scrivener’s default interface for most things, but sometimes I do switch over to full screen mode especially if I’m using my laptop since it has such a small screen compared to my desktop. The only problem is, I have a 2-in-1 laptop/tablet hybrid and when I separate the tablet portion from the keyboard I can’t call up the touch keyboard when scrivener in full screen mode. When in ‘desktop mode’ you can only call up the touch keyboard from the desktop taskbar, but in Metro mode the keyboard is called up automatically whenever you select a textbox.

This more or less means full screen mode is useless to me whenever the keyboard is unattached which needless to say is rather irksome. I realize I’m probably in a rather smaller minority, but I’d love the option to switch to metro or heck call up the touch keyboard when in full screen mode.

There aren’t any plans to make a widget or tile version of Scrivener, if that is what you mean. It would very likely mean rewriting just about everything, using a different programming language and all, and for something that wouldn’t really add a whole lot to the product. There are certainly niche cases like what you describe, where one isn’t using a keyboard with their writing software ( :slight_smile: ), but even among the diehard tablet users I see, they all basically end up replicating a laptop in the end, by carrying around a keyboard and maybe even a mouse as well, when using the tablet to write with. Besides we have plenty to do for the desktop yet to stop now and start all over again.

Something you could try is creating and saving a layout that is very minimal. You can hide everything in Scrivener, save for the main text editor. All toolbars and sidebars can be hidden. Thus you could create a “Full Screen” view that uses the standard desktop window and thus have access to the touchscreen keyboard. Given how flexible Scrivener is, it’s actually not a bad way of working in general. I have a couple of projects that are basically about as complicated looking as a Notepad window, that I use for taking down notes and writing short bits. If I need to navigate I can just flip the text view over to outliner or corkboard, and use the View/Go To menu to get around (I think we have this in the header bar menu on Windows as well)

Well, I suppose I do represent a niche case (probably a niche of one). :laughing:

I was thinking more like a ‘switch to metro mode’ like Firefox Aurora, but if you’re initial response is any indication it doesn’t sound like that’s really feasible either.

I tend to switch to tablet mode on my 2-in-1 while editing. When reading long segments of text I find a keyboard only gets in the way and switching to tablet mode make me feel like I’m reading an ebook. When I’m hunting for grammar, continuity errors and the like I prefer not to get caught up in making lengthy revisions. With my 2-in-1, I can make small annotations then go over to my desktop and make more detailed changes later on once I’ve finished reading through the project.

It’s strange, Scrivener being so flexible and all it didn’t even occur to me to try using a more minimalist interface, but then again I tend to stick pretty close to the default layout. Thanks for the suggestion, I think it may suit me just fine.

I found this thread by searching for how to hide the corkboard/main text editor.

I am disappointed to learn that, in the Mac version, the corkboard/text editor cannot be hidden.

In the early stages of writing, I almost entirely use the Binder. So I want to hide the text editor panel to allow the Binder to fill the entire screen.

Am I correct that, in the Mac version, the Binder cannot be made to fill the entire screen?


Possible workaround… Switch editor to outline mode, select manuscript/draft folder in binder, hide inspector, hide binder, work in remaining full screen outline…

Other than that, hide inspector, widen binder as much as possible, so that editor is narrowed and crammed all the way to the right…

Try using the Outliner in the editor, you can trim down the number of columns (and maybe hiding synopses) to make it simple like the Binder, and then close the real Binder to have a streamlined outlining window left behind. The only real limitation with this method is that you can’t view the entire Binder from it (since editor group views always look “down” from the thing you select). But that’s not huge problem since you can use the View/Go To/ menu to hop about top level folders easily. This is also accessible from the header bar icon menu. It is worth noting that split has its own outline settings, thus if you do still want an outliner with a lot of detail, you can use one for a simple display and the other split for details.

I have some projects that are mostly just “notepads”, and for these, this method works great. In fact I have mine set up as a Layout, so I can switch to that style of working whenever the mood strikes.

The one other thing: you’ll need continue using the Binder to import, if you use drag and drop. At this time you can’t drop files into the editors. But that’s another very minor issue (for me anyway). The idea is to have a cleaner window while your working, not to completely abolish the Binder. Popping it open and closed when needed is no hassle.