Missing .scrivx file on Windows

Interesting. So maybe the Windows version has a fault or needs updating to be compatible with the new iOS version?

It certainly isn’t creating the .scrivx file… And I get no error messages…


Yup. Mac can open and iOS devices can open, so perhaps this particular case was not tested on Windows side.

I thought maybe there would be a work around, so I tried exporting (zipping) the project created on 1.1.2 from my iPhone, and that was also missing .scrivx. Windows could not open.

So, unless we are missing something, it seems there is no way for iOS projects created on 1.1.2 to be synced to or usable on Windows. That would not be a hindrance for me–I always create projects on the PC–but for Windows users who want the flexibility of creating on iOS, this would be a major problem and for the moment they should avoid 1.1.2.

I really hate to be That Guy, but does anyone have an idea on when this could conceivably be fixed, or any sort of workaround* for those of us who discovered this problem the hard way?

*–Aside from copy-pasting individual documents into email or cloud storage and reassembling the project on the desktop, I mean.

The easy solution for PC folks is not to create new projects on iOS Scrivener

I have raised a bug with LL but haven’t had a response yet…

For the moment I create new projects on the PC and then use the iPad for the actual work…

…which works as long as I’m at home :confused:


I’ve tried this and it seems to work…

I create an new scrivener project called Test on my pc and save it to Dropbox. The project contains nothing other than the default scrivener files.

When I want to make a new project on my iPad, I open Dropbox on the iPad, select the Test project folder and make a copy of it, giving it a decent name.

I open Scrivener on the iPad and Sync. The newly copied and named project is there and seems ok. I make my edits and sync.

When I go to the pc and open the Test.scrivx file in the new project folder, Scrivener renames it to the correct name and seems happy. (A bit lucky, bit I’m not complaining) I make edits on the PC.

After syncing on the iPad, the project is ok.

Whether or not this is a good workaround will take a bit of time to determine. If it works ok, then I will have a template project on Dropbox that can be copied when needed…


You can duplicate projects on the iPad, so you could create that template project on the PC, sync to dropbox, open your iPad, sync, and then move it to the internal iPad area in iOS Scrivener.When you want to create a new project on the iPad you simply duplicate it on the iPad (Edit,then the duplicate icon at the bottom), rename the new copy and move it to the dropbox area in the Project view.

Right, I meant more for people like me who discovered the problem first-hand and then found this thread on the forum after they’d already created a project.

Ah, didn’t know that. That sounds like a very good workaround…

…except that, on my test project it didn’t create the scrivx file in the duplicated project and Windows wont open it!


Just so you all know, we identified this bug over the weekend and submitted a fix to the App Store. The 1.1.3 update should fix it, once it is approved.

Thank you!


The fix does seem to take care of new projects, thanks!

Though any projects created before the patch are still missing the file. Unless anyone’s got any suggestions, I’ve got an admittedly-small project to start rebuilding on the desktop.

This is pretty easy to fix. The .scrivx file that the iOS version creates is in fact mostly useless—the only reason it exists in fact is to give Windows users something to double-click on to bootstrap the process of loading the project and converting it into a full .scriv.

So what you can do is copy the binder.mob file from the Mobile subfolder, and rename it to “projectName.scrivx” in the root level of the project folder. Now you should be good to go.

Personally I would do that on a duplicate of the project folder rather than the original. Once it is loaded and everything looks good, I’d then replace the original with the synced version.

Sorry for that! I’m just glad we caught it quickly and were able to get that update through.

Now I’m starting to feel like I’m being a problem, because I just tried that and only got an error message that the project ‘was created or saved using a newer version of Scrivener than the one you are currently using’ and can’t be opened. I experimentally tried opening up the test copy I made for this purpose on a mobile device and got a similar message (ironically, one that said it was created with an older version of Scrivener and the file needs updated by the desktop version).

Argh, sorry, that was my advice about copying the .mob file and in fact that won’t work after all. Instead, download and unzip this:

Blank.scrivx.zip (779 Bytes)

It contains a “Blank.scrivx” file. Just place that in the .scriv folder and double-click that to open the project. (The .scrivx file created by the mobile version is in fact just an empty stub that tells the Windows version to read the project from the binder.mob file, so this file provides the stub.)

Ioa, I had the same result as MythicFox - same error message.

ETA: Sorry, didn’t see Keith’s fix, which worked. Thanks all!

That worked, thanks!

Sorry having same problem with a project created on ipad v 1.1.2 (1187) synching to dropbox but without the necessary scrivx file appearing in windows dropbox directory. No problem for other projects, they synch fine. Have tried downloading the blank.scrivx file and putting it in the relevant dropbox directory that is missing its scrivx file, but I just get multiple error messages saying there are sync conflicts.

I have seen that my app is showing as version 1.1.2 (1187) and there doesnt seem to be an update available to 1.1.3 in the updates section on app store so no way to update!

IOS11 btw.

ADDENDUM (SOLVED): I tried the fix with blank scrivx file again and found all my text in the conflicts folder. So I was able to pull it out of there and recreate the project on PC and then synch it back to the ipad.

With the recreated project safely on PC, I deleted the app on the ipad and reinstalled it to give myself version 1.1.3. Then I created a test project on the iPad saved to dropbox, synched and checked that I can open it on the PC and yes, the necessary scrivx file is there, so all is good again.

PS, love the ability to synch between devices (when it works), thanks v much for this!!

Just curious, is there a reason version 1.1.2 (1187) doesn’t seem to recognise it needs to be updated by the app store? Must be a lot of people stuck with the version that won’t synch properly because the app doesn’t update…


Check your download/purchase history to see if you already have 1.1.3. Sounds that you do (your addendum). L&L forgot to update the 1.1.3 version metadata: