I started noticing text missing from random pages of a project. so I rebuild a project best I can only to find it happen again. So I wondered - Has Anyone solved the ‘missing text’ dilemma?
Welcome to the forum …
More info req’d to help. MacOS Version? Scrivener Version? Missing from where?
Key question where your project is. Is it on a cloud server other than dropbox? Agree more info is needed such as is this one project or more. Have the files moved. Have you done a search by date for locations of recent files.
Most common cause of missing text in the project itself is incomplete synchronization from a cloud service. Ensure that all Scrivener projects are “available offline.”
Most common cause of missing text in the output document is use of a Section Layout that doesn’t include the text. There are some Compile bugs that can cause it to be missing – best way to check is to try compiling to different formats and see if you get the same result.
fair enough youre right…
more info:
aurora r6
macbook air 13"
It’s a larger file as I have a folder with many snippets inside the project file, as it were, and characters…it happened before. I copied those text-free pages from older files originals only to open them the next day on my Mac, where I created the originals and replacements. When I went downstairs (PC) the following day and tried to open it, I had the same issue with pages missing text and lots of them. I’m at a loss…I’ve had Scrivener for many years, and it even helped me with my first book. I’m at a loss…please help; I’m a disabled Marine trying to keep writing for my health. (BRain injury, PTSD…early onset…lots of hurdles besides money and such to update devices … these are all I got, so having the application working means so much.
How are you transferring data between the Mac and the PC?
It is extremely likely that the issue is incomplete synchronization from the cloud service you are using.
Best practices for using Scrivener with cloud services can be found here:
usb or download from google drive
Stick with USB. Google Drive is not reliable for Scrivener projects. In particular, I recently helped someone who had the same “missing material” symptoms you did. They went away – with Scrivener open – for about twenty minutes, GDrive eventually got around to downloading their work from the server, and everything “magically” reappeared.
Our Google Drive advisory is here: