Trying to modify a custom style and it’s not working!
Ver scrivener, win 11
Pretty sure there USED to be a Modify Style button (and all the tutorials I’m seeing say there is/was, but now I can only REDEFINE styles based on previous text. What the?
Here’s what I’m trying to do:
My “Verse” Style needs to have a space above and especially BELOW the snippet of song. (The book title, which I’m working as editor/compiler for my Mom is titled “Singing Out of Tune,” so as you might guess that there’s more than a bit of singing throughout the manuscript.
Right now, I’m trying to “redefine” the style by capturing an empty line above and below it. And that’s just not working. I’m not seeing the empty lines where they should be. I am pretty sure that in the past I was able to define space above/below a style, but now I can’t figure out how.
Please give me a clue!