Monologuing (cape-free)

So I have started a YouTube channel to bring my many fascinating views and opinions to a grateful world, and my general awfulness in front of camera requires that I

(a) do a bunch of research up front and
(b) write a literal word-for-word script
(c) split that script across various different shots to compensate for my ability to learn lines
(d) group together all the chunks for a given shot/location to film in one long take

It Is Said that Scrivener is a pretty awesome Writing R&D platform, but when I lazily set up a screenplay template I immediately failed to get it monologuing: apparently it is a screenplay convention that characters do not speak in multiple paragraphs (without breaking it up with shot details/actions), and I had been intending to write out the monologue first and only then break it up.

So I guess I ask: does anyone have a Scrivener Talking Head workflow that they can share to get me started? I am sure that it can in principle do many things, including the things I want, but I don’t know how keen I am to invest time, effort and money to build tooling before I have a thing I can use to do a thing I basically want to do ASAP.