Hi, this may have been answered but I have Scrivener 3.2.2. and now have Monterey 12.7.5
However, now I’m getting this message: "The project at (deleted for privacy) seems to be of an older format, but no binder.scrivproj file could be found inside it. It may be missing or corrupt, possibly because of a problem with the device on which it is stored, or because of a synchronisation problem.
Try ctrl-clicking on the project in the Finder and selecting “Show Package Contents”, then look for a file entitled ‘binder.scrivproj’. Ensure it has not been renamed by a backup routine. If it does not exist, try restoring from a backup."
I’m not very technical and wondering if anyone can translate or tell me if I need to update my Scrivener? Would that be a new purchase? Presumable backups would be from my Cloud or Dropbox storage?
Thanks again. Uploading the new version has resolved the issue. I will still check the Dropbox link out though as I store there and in cloud as well as ext. hard drive. A techyonce erased the wrong drive on my laptop and I’ve been super careful since!
Read carefully about the need to keep Dropbox files for Scrivener “offline”. Important and required.
Edit: Also, as you have experienced data loss–apparently accidentally but at the same time deliberately by the “techy”–take a few moments to ensure you have an effective backup regime. Preferably following the 3-2-1 concept (read about that on the Internet) and as simple, automated, and tested-at-intervals as possible. You may of course already have this, so I’m mentioning just to remind others reading the thread.