More than two parts in my novel?

Hello everyone!

I have several projects going and so far everything’s been working great, but I just started a new one and it’s meant to have several parts. So I used the Novel (with parts) template, realised it had only two parts from the start and thought I could just add more the same way I can add new chapters and new text docs. It’s not working and I can’t figure out why? I can add a new folder, but no subfolders to it (as in no chapters, only text docs). Does anyone know how to do this? Please help a girl who’s just gotten out of writer’s block out, if you can?

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By default, new folders are added as siblings of the current folder, while new documents are added as children. But you can drag and drop or use the Edit → Move command to move any item to wherever you want it.

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Thank you for replying so fast! I think I understand how to fix it now, off to try !

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So simple, thank you!!

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