I’ve noticed a weird flip-flopping in my wordcounts from day to day. In a seemingly random pattern, my total wordcount for my writing project will change by between 1000 to 2000 words.
Yesterday my wordcount was around 46000, and I wrote around 300 words. This morning, my total wordcount was around 48000 (the correct count). So I checked the Writing History, and the record there seems to reflect this flip-flop: it says I removed 1507 words from my project yesterday (I know for a fact I did not, I wrote around 300 words, and that’s it), and it says I wrote 3350 words today (I know for a fact I did not, I wrote around 1500 words today), so it seems like when this flip-flop in the wordcount happens, that ephemeral change is also captured in the Writing History record. So yesterday it was showing 1500 words fewer in my totals, and the Writing History reflects that “loss” of 1500 words, and today it added them back in, as if I wrote them new today.
Something very funky is going on with the wordcounting algo in this program. Is anyone else experiencing the same thing? Is this a known bug, perhaps?
My leading theory is this: My Scrivener project is located in a Dropbox folder (for backup safety), and I suppose Dropbox syncs randomly throughout the day. If it were to happen that Dropbox accesses a particular file right as Scrivener is trying to do a full wordcount across the project, could it be that Scrivener experiences an access issue with that file and skips counting its words?
Does anyone have some experience with this? Is there anything I can do? (apart from pulling the project off the cloud – that’s kinda important to me to have a backup and not just having the project on my local hard disk)
Thanks for any feedback and/or assistance.