Moving multiple drafts to Scrivener

I am a super beginner with Scrivener. I have been working on a non-fiction book in Word that I’d like to move over and work with in Scrivener, but I have multiple drafts of just about every chapter, many of them quite similar to each other, some quite different. Looking for suggestions on how to make the transition. Choose just one draft and hold the others in Word? And do I copy and paste that draft?

If you haven’t already, I’d recommend taking a look at our Interactive Tutorial, available from the Help menu. It’s a good overview and answers a lot of beginner questions.

Regarding your existing material, it’s really up to you. If you are actively merging material from older drafts into the current one, you may find it more convenient to have all of the versions in Scrivener. If the older drafts are primarily for reference purposes, you may prefer to leave them where they are unless they are needed.

In either case, Scrivener can import Word files.

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