Need seamless Scrivenings view

They get drunk and tell racist jokes at parties.

Well, and farmers have a legitimate reason to grumble.

Confused? Confused!? Don’tcha know?
Because … well … it’s crackers to slip a rozzer the tipsy in snide!
Errr … probably because they’re just … there!

OK, I’m over this. (Nothing like a good night’s sleep to put things into perspective.)

I still think the omission of a “neither” option is REALLY bad UI design, and a disservice to users. But whatever. I accept that I’ve been overruled by the community as well as the owner(s) of the company. I will embrace the evil crop marks, and move on. But I don’t like it.

Re one of pigfender’s remarks, I offer two arguments in an attempt to contextualize and rebut the slight on Mac OS: it’s obvious you haven’t coded in Unix for 25 years and therefore don’t fully understand the historical impact and value of Unix being ported as a base for NeXTSTEP code, which OS X and iOS are descendants of; in that brilliant move by Steve Jobs, he brought power, depth, strength, elegance, and complexity to OS X, in the aggregate a huge value.

This inane thread has given me high blood pressure, so I’m going to return to listening to Nine Inch Nails (and the awesome new “Welcome Oblivion” album by Trent and his wife), and now will get back to working on my new book (which gives me great joy, despite the intrusiveness of seeing crop marks in my face every day).


Cool! Although I should point out it wasn’t meant as a slight, it was a joke.

I neither “fully understand” nor (perhaps more importantly) do I care! This is about technology. I don’t care a one bit how important the Nokia Mobira carphone on the Cellnet network was in the 1980s and the impact those brave road warriors had in setting cellular technology on the path to iPhones. I care about whether my smartphone browser gets good reception, and whether Apple will let the software I want to use into the Appstore without requiring the crippling of functions.
EDIT: See the latest LitnLat blog post for just one example of the drawbacks of the App Store which will be a lot worse on iOS where the App Store is the only game in town.

Actually you only offered one, and to be truthful, that was on an entirely different subject (how great Steve Jobs was a few decades ago rather than whether or not Apple try to tell you what software is allowed to be used on your hardware).

I’ve already told you. That wasn’t incompetence, but a mixture of insanity, drug use and general evil intent! :smiley:

NIИ! Man, They were really popular back in the '90s! Didn’t they form in 1988? Which is 25 years ago, back when you started coding in UNIX. Coincidence, or conspiracy?! 8)

Seriously, though. Don’t let a bit of gentle, friendly ribbing get the blood pressure up. We’re all good friends here and all want the software to be the best we can make it so I’m sure the company is grateful for the feedback and takes it in the manner in which it was intended.

Best of luck with the book. What are you writing? Fiction / Non-Fiction? Genre / Topic?

Thanks for asking about the book. It’s about depression, semi-autobiographical.

So probably a hundred authors have written and published on the subject. The Noonday Demon, etc. Whatever. I don’t know anyone who’s done a POV and referenced quantum particle physics to reflect the neuronal changes and existential and ontological parallels that arise from the condition (not to mention psychophysiological side effects of the horrific meds often prescribed, especially the benzo drug family). So here I am: writing it.

I figure: write what you know, make it simple, and self-publish on Amazon. I have too many Asperger traits for it to be easy to find a publisher, despite living in NYC and knowing a famous author on the rise (Jay Leno appearances, etc.). I’ll just self-promote—with a sledge hammer. Got too much other stuff going on (get healthy, find a job, etc.).

Yeah, NIN is “old” music maybe. I’m just getting around to reviewing their entire catalog and culling a kick ass playlist. The recent release of Trent’s wife’s album is very timely. Good stuff on “Goodbye Oblivion.” I tend to find a band, suck up their catalog, and spend months listening to a five- or six-hour playlist of their best stuff—daily, for months on end. (Earlier this year: Umphrey’s McGee; last year: Clutch.) I’m also a (somewhat) beginning drummer (only about five hundred hours of playing so far), and I’ve finally gotten to the level where I can play along with NIN and cope with the odd time signatures while still maintaining the “metal rock” authority required as a drummer for this type of material.

I’m getting used to your ribbing and jokes. They’re a good barometer to show me how uptight I am.

Sounds like a novel and interesting approach, and the fact that the writing process is giving you great joy will no doubt come across in the prose as well. Nice to hear from someone who wants to write rather than someone who wants to have written! Let me know when it’s out as I’d like to take a look.

As for old music, my R.E.M. fanboy status makes all other music geekeries look tame and acceptable.

Real writers, of course, choose this one. We’re all about the procrastination.

This is actually an especially good procrastination if you are in the mood for such things… for the wonderful reason that as you change the background colour, the marks will also change colour allowing you to continue for as long as you’d like.

Unless you change to black, but then you’d need to have white text, and that’s just too retro for me.

Actually, as we were all informed many moons ago, real writers only use white text on a blue background …


Sadly, I don’t believe Word offered a white text / blue background option since Office 2003 (ie, it’s not in 2007 or 2010).


Aaahh…WordPerfect 5 for DOS. Brings back memories.

Really dating myself here, but I started out on WordPerfect 4.2. And before there was anything, any other way to connect to people in cyberspace, there was…CompuServe! What a kludgy UI—ugh!

Real writers use whatever hue their cathode ray tube emits, on black!

Well, I love the scrivenings view, but one thing I would love is to be able to turn off the headings based on the document titles, and just use the headings that I insert into my document. It would need to be an option, because it would depend on people actually putting headings into their doc.

That’s entirely possible; if you want to put headings in the text, just do that, and then turn off the titles in scrivenings, using the Format->Options menus.

Hey, thanks. Very useful.

Hey, gang, robertdguthrie’s post reminded me of something I’ve been meaning to ask.

Window, Zoom to Full Screen is great. I’ve been using it because I can’t figure out how to widen the text to the edge of the screen when using OS X’s Full Screen mode.

But how do you turn Zoom to Full Screen off? Window, Zoom to Full Screen is not a toggle.

Hold the Option key when you click the “+” maximize button of the traffic light controls in the upper left of the window. (Might be green, depending on your OS X theme.) To adjust the width of the text in the editor when in Full Screen, open the Editor tab of Scrivener > Preferences and either turn off using the fixed width while in Full Screen or adjust the number there so your fixed width is larger.