I am using the corkboard in Windows to lay out items horizontally, placed vertically on the page according to intensity to help visualize pace as I plan. I’m enjoying it a lot, except that no matter how I try to create a new index card, it appears all the way on the left. This happens whether I double click, hit enter without a card highlighted, hit enter with a card highlighted… I might be forgetting things I’ve tried, but definitely those. The result is that I have to tediously drag new cards to the edge of the screen, scroll, drag, until I get it as far as I’ve gotten - especially annoying because it seems like side scrolling is only possible from the scrollbar, at least not by dragging a card to the edge.
Is there a way to create an index card in a specific location with my cursor, or next to a card I’m working with? Appreciate any help.
I presume you are speaking of the Freeform corkboard mode, where cards can be freely positioned rather than being automatically arranged in a grid (or along label colour lines)?
If so, then the way to create a card in the spot where you want it to be placed is to double-click on the background rather than use the menus or keyboard shortcuts to make new cards. You do mention doing that, but maybe you meant double-clicking on an existing card.
Okay, yeah that should not be happening, and therefore sounds like a bug to me. I don’t see any existing notes indicating this to be a known issue, so here are some things to try, purely as a matter of testing what is going on:
Create a new folder, switch to freeform, and try double-clicking in a few different spots.
If that works, this one can be skipped. If the new folder acts the same way, then create a throw-away project using the “Blank” starter (no templates, to keep things simple and ensure you are using factory default settings), and try the same test without changing anything other than the freeform setting on the test folder.
These tests will help narrow down how broad or specific the problem is, and we can try some other things depending on how that goes.
Thanks. Same problem in both cases. Double clicking works properly when the corkboard is scrolled all the way to the left, but as I start expanding to the right trying to create new cards there no longer works, and they appear all the way back at the left side where I started.