NiaD 6 is being postponed [from Oct 2016]

Awww … y’ look so cute, Montree

Thank you. That is my color, too! :smiley:

HAPPY HOLIDAYS fellow Novel in Day writers, have a restful and happy holiday and lets all look forward to writing in New Year.

Is that Apple’s new native Emoji size?

Yeah, but on a Retina display it’s smaller than a postage stamp. :slight_smile:

[size=150]That’s still pretty big … init? :confused:[/size]

Let’s see. What else is smaller than a postage stamp?

:open_mouth: Don’t be personal :blush:

The way y’all size stuff around here, a BREAD BOX is smaller than Vic’s postage stamp.

That got an actual LOL out of me. Well-played, sir.

My work here is done.


:open_mouth: Work? … my tootie!! Y’re just a 'salacious innuendoista’ ! … picking on the insecure and vulnerable member of Scriv’s crew!

In all fairness, Vic, I do have to point out that you’re the one who offered a…personal…comparison, not gr. :slight_smile:

Sorry young sir, but innuendo cometh before the fall.

Hi, folks! Just thought I’d peep in.

On another note we have the:

  1. Hero (or is that anti-hero?), probably Byronic (or, perhaps gothic?)
  2. The protagonist (or, perhaps i’m-in-agony-ist?)
  3. And the devil’s advocate (the same across all genres)

Please continue the show folks. This is better than Netflix. :wink:

Missing you all and the annual NIAD…


Thought you might, vic-k! What fascinates me most about the image isn’t the throne, nor the pooping peeper, but the tiles that are about as big as the throne itself.

Since we’re on the subject, when using the word ‘loo,’ is it the word for the throne on which a pooper or pooping peeper sits, or the room in which the throne is fixed? Just curious.

Montree, my love … one could propose one and one could propose t’other, however, sweet-thing, a polymath like my good self, would proffer: Both. :smiley:
Take care

PS Stanly thinks,“The Toilet”, but what do cats know?

Proper peeps prefer ‘poo’ to the ‘loo’. Wouldn’t you?

Um, why is that peep backwards? No, just no. Don’t answer that. Just don’t.