NiaD 8: Live and Let NiaD

Count me in! … 41#p191541

Just got an e-mail reminder. Tentative yes, mostly assuming I don’t forget about it since I’m not a regular on these forums. I had a lot of fun with NiaD 6, though.

Well, now we’re up to 20. Go out and tell your writing friends and spread the word! :slight_smile:

Azurac - I’ll leave you off the list for now then – let me know when you can confirm!

Yeahhhh! The sun has just rissen above the horizon :smiley:
Welcome home fair damsel.
Best of luck with NiaD,
Take care,

Is this the year the K throws his hat in the ring?
Or is it the year that Piggy explains the gold starts?
Or is it yet another year of disappointment for those that want to know?

I’m in. Thank you for all your effort to make NiaD happen.

I’d like to join again :smiley:

I would like to participate again! I had been eagerly awaiting news since the last time.

I’m in.

I’m in
(Took forever to get L&L to grant me access to my account here.)

A challenge. I’m interested. I’ll await your message. :smiley:

edited to add: Sent the Contact message with questions, answers and links.
thank you. :smiley:

Thanks Pacifika! Got the website message – that’s great and gives me everything I need! Enjoyed the writing sample. Welcome to NiaD!

I want to try!

Whoopie!!! does happy dance
Mind you, most of my stuff is quirky love story stuff.
But thank you. :smiley: Woohoo!!!

Well, if you’re only doing quirky, avoid vic-k. He tends to go right past quirky and straight to “WTH did I just read?”

Welcome to the nut house!

LOL Good to know. :wink: :smiley:

I’ve never done doubleyooteehaitch in my life !!! Numpty is just a lying hillbilly son-of-a- "!@:/!! :imp:

My literary outpourings have been compared, on numerous occasions, by those best qualified to make such pronouncements, as being prose versions of W. B. Yeats’s poetry. i.e.,
Happy Niading pacifica
Take care

nods sagely, (not) believing all (several) words spoken by any of “the usual suspects”
(I will have you know that took thought to get the numbers and tenses right on that. You people already take effort. LOL)

Then I highly recommend not inviting us over for dinner. I’ve been told that clean up from those events usually requires construction crews.