NiaD 8: Live and Let NiaD

What are you trying to say?

It’s OK to panic. Most of us do. Just remember to calm down enough to write.

It’s OK to think “But I don’t know anything about… <any one or more of this year’s genre, setting, &/or characters>”. Most of us do*.

It’s OK to procrastinate and delay writing by researching material that may be only tangentially related to the genre, setting &/or characters. Most of us** do.

Despite all the things you tell yourself on the day, you already know how to write or you wouldn’t have signed up.

Despite all the fear and worry, and despite all the posts by Jaysen, it’s actually a lot fun. You’re given the characters, key plot points, and some background. Play with it. Have fun. Write! :smiley:

[size=85]*Well, some of us think more colourful versions that would get bleeped out on prime time TV.
**In this case, when I say“Most of us” I mean me, [/size]

If nomnomnomnom is going to be all reassuring here’s the reality.

This is really just a short story where you’ve been giving a pile of help. My biggest problem is stopping the diarrhea of the keyboard and getting it down to chapter. It seems challenging but think about it… this is no different than any essay or writing assignment from school. Just the procrastination has already been done for you!

Here’s my actual process that I follow. I’m leaving off the “buy liquor” humor and being real with this…I ge the brief about 7p local so I use that to my advantage but I’d do it the same either way.

Get breif from piggy and put in scriv research
Breakout character stuff into profiles
Create simple outline from the EXACT plot points in the brief.
Read the before and after section and imagine what could happen for no more than 10 minutes.
Go on 10 walk with Mrs and DO NOT think about NiaD.
Tell the dog all my ideas.
Make outline of the one the dog likes best (which will be hard as our dog passed… and yes the dog had actual input)
Go to bed
Get up at 5a and create scene cards for outline for 1hr
Make breakfast for wife.
Write from 7 to 10.
walk dog 10 min.
Edit 10:30 to 12:00
Lunch till 1p
Write 1p to 3p
Send to Piggy.

I’ve been later than 4 but that’s my very real plan. The minute it’s not fun I’ll not do another one.

But Piggy has a good thing that is always fun so I’m probably here for a while.

Don’t fret, Tanith, you won’t be the only one. Quite a few folk blessed with delicate sensibilities, have been kicking off about Mills&Boon’s uber raunchiness over the years.
Happy Niad, Tanith

Gosh, thanks! I’ve been hunting c) for years. Less than 8 hours to go. I guess I should sort out the ropes ‘n’ stuff. :smiling_imp:

I had my day planned out, but now I’m starting to stress a little bit. Even though I know my other tasks will be done before the brief gets to me. But now I’m panicking about being out. I want to stay at home and wait for my NiaD briefing. Safely on the comfort of my couch with my blanky and my cat and a cup of chai. Nice and cozy and safe.
I’m pretty sure that getting one’s NiaD brief while out and about is probably not safe, correct? I mean, the moment I have it in hand, I’ll start thinking about. And i’m not supposed to think and drive, right?
Can I sue NiaD as an excuse to do nothing else?
I’m sorry. Please excuse my absence from work today. I have NiaD. It may be contagious.
Thank you.

You can’t stop them after this one. I need more of the little NiaD mugs!
They’re so cool!!!
So once this one’s over, when’s the next?

stares at sai Jaysen

“Diarrhea of the keyboard…tell the dog…go for a walk…”

Oh my, this is gonna be a fun Saturday… :mrgreen:


I’m on the list!

Better late than never! :smiley:

Thanks, pigfender!


* ticktockticktockticktockticktockticktockticktockticktock *

Fire in the hole!

Hello everyone!

It’s now Saturday 26th January, which means NOVEL IN A DAY IS NOW LIVE!

All the briefing packs have now been emailed across. IF YOU DON’T RECEIVE IT then check your junk mail folders, etc, and if it’s still not there in about 15 minutes then let me know.

HAVE FUN (mixed with an appropriate amount of mild panic!!!)

I’ve been up since 3:15 this morning, so if you’ll excuse me, I’m just going to nip out and make a cup of tea. Back in 5. :stuck_out_tongue:

I got my package!!!

Oh I like this one. :smiley:

Got it read it and now off to bed back early tomorrow have fun everyone

Got it!

cracks knuckles

Let the typing begin. :smiley:

Received. Thank you. I have to attend my daughter’s basketball game here in a few hours. Enough time to read through it, panic, watch my daughter kick butt, panic some more before sitting my butt down and get this done.

Got it! Wow, a lot of ways this one could go … it’s going to be fun. Time to make a few more notes, then off to bed to let it all stew… See y’all in the morning!