NiaD Episode VI: Return of the NiaD

Got mine, thanks, but only as a Word .docx file? No Scrivener file…?

You don’t get the Scrivener file until the end of the day!

Received, thank you! :smiley:


Hey Devin, were on as @novelinaday in the instagram app, but I’ve closed it down for a little bit now. The emails seem to have stopped so I’ll assume you’re all either content or asleep and I’m going to go sneak a couple hours of sleep in myself.

See you in a bit!

Hey! Love the brief. Looking forward to this.

I pooped my pants when I saw the sample brief and thought it was for real - I was dreading a space story.

I’m going to take the dog out, have breakfast and mull this over.
No headless chicken in this house.

Good luck all.

D’oh. I knew that (note to self: mustn’t try to think late at night after wine). I think what confused me was that everything was in a single file. Anyway, amazing work with the briefing and details, as always!

I would have wanted a space story. I’ve got no idea what to do with my assignment.

Hey all, I’m back, and caught up on the handful of questions that came through while I grabbed a couple of winks of sleep. On a unrelated note, the lovely Mrs Pigfender bought apples and put them in the fridge for me. I have never been so happy to see an apple in my life.

That is normal. Very. Very normal! See: viewtopic.php?f=51&t=28574&start=30#p181957

Everyone’s process is different (I tend to Scapple map random ideas, jokes, thoughts and possibilities first), but if your normal approach isn’r helping, there are three things I can suggest:

  1. Instead of thinking about the details - the what or the how - thing about the why. Focus on what you want the emotional anchor for the chapter to be, and how you can make that payoff the centre of your planning. I talk a little bit about that here: … ers-block/
  2. If that doesn’t help, simply start with what you do know to include. Your brief contains enough stuff that you know definitely has to be in there… you know some action has to happen in a specific place. You know certain things need to occur. Just start putting some words down on those areas and let the ideas seed from that.
  3. Or start with an unconnected ‘riff’ and see where that takes you.
    “What was I saying again?”
    Dave looked up from his desk. “You were telling me what a great memory you have.”

Yeah, Scrivener has this neat function where it can take these individual documents you’ve created and bring them together at output into a single longer file. :smiley:

On an unrelated note, the first chapter is now in! WOOHOO!

The first chapter is in already?! Wow! I’m only just about to start. Thank you for the brief, Rog. Have fun, everyone.

The first chapter is in?

I thought I was doing well at 400 words.


OK. Hear me out. I know I’ve totally missed it this time. I’ve had a lot going on. However, if you have any last minute openings, at all, I’m in.
Just in case I get lucky, I’m going to keep checking my email every five minutes the rest of the day.

Absolutely not. Under no circumstances. What kind of an example would that set for other people, if I let you do that now?!?!

PS - check your email. Deadline is 9pm (UK time) this year because the packs were a bit late coming across. :wink: :smiley:

That would be super lovely if you could! 8)

Is this where we ask questions? If it is, I have one: when the Marleys are visible to their clients for the one-day period, are they visible to everyone else as well or just to their client only?

To everyone I think! Perhaps they can turn it on and off though, during that window of opportunity…

Hey Maerahn - you can ask questions here, or if you want anything specific to your chapter then by all means send me an email and I’ll respond there.

They can be seen by everyone when here: For the duration of the time that they are allotted to help a ‘Scrooge’ they’re able to be visible and interact, although not with loved ones (as per the info in the pack - if appropriate to your chapter).

If they’re doing that ‘deep hypnosis’ thing where they basically take someone on a very real imaginary journey, then the limit is just the imagination of the Marley! He can have that person think they are interacting, or have them think they’re just standing there watching.

I’ve no problem with that!

In the spirit of NiaD story specifics (like the existence on Marleys) should be addressed by Mr Piggy privately. We are collaborating on the plot. Part of the fun is the possibility that you have visible Marleys and I have invisible Marleys.

Some people right now will be going… Marleys? Is that a type of quaint English jam?