NiaD Episode VI: Return of the NiaD

Super excited! Count me in!

Thank you!


Excellent. Welcome to NiaD, ConradG! Everyone else - nice to be writing with you again!

Mark, sorry you can’t take part this time. Hope all is well and that all your distractions may be fun ones!

Ha! I… I don’t know. I need to rethink those, maybe. I never presumed we’d be doing this for this long and it won’t be long before the possible combinations grows to unmanageable numbers of additional tags.
Maybe I just put the 2016 one up for NiaDVI for now? Maybe I re-label them all from 2011, 2012, 2013 (etc) to I, II, III (etc)

Am I allowed in on the betting?

In normal, or rational circles, that would be an unfair advantage. But it’s me… and nom (where the heck is Mr K?!?) so … why not! How long do you think it will take you to kick us to our own thread?

Piggy, I think you have a mistake. I’ve a normal dot and nom has a fuzzy dot. I assume fuzzy dots have teeth. Doesn’t it make more sense to give them the fuzzy dot hoping to the deity of choice that my fear of toothed fuzzy things will keep me on my best behavior?

For the record, I’m not afraid of fuzzy toothers. It’s the shark skin and fish scaled ones that make me nervous. Those toothers are MEAN.

June is good for me – fingers crossed that this one will be a genre I’ve actually read a book in.

Um… I haven’t updated my Scrivener in ages, out of fear of the difficulties some had with the process of converting existing files. I don’t remember the details of what the problems were, exactly, but since none of the new features sounded like I’d use them, well, I just stopped updating. So I’m on, uh, dated, mighod, 2014.

This isn’t going to cut it, is it? :frowning:

Sure it will. Piggy sends you a PDF and you return an RTF. you don’t even have to use scrivener if you don’t want to. He’s very accommodating.

And as to the build date on your scriv… don’t worry about it. If it does what you need then keep using it. No forced upgrades from L&L.

The Enthusiasm Energy, generated by Piggie’s announcement, is surely, enough to light up Literature Land, for a month. Lovely t’ see it all bubbling over once again
Good Luck & Enjoy

Thanks Vic!

Yay! Welcome back!

Oh, this is going to be a REALLY good one! You don’t want to miss it! :smiley:

Jaysen is right – you don’t need to use Scrivener to take part. Type your chapter directly into an email for all I care! Just don’t submit as a PDF because then I have to manually remove all the individual paragraph marks from each line which makes me grumpy.

Where you do lose out is if you want to look at the Scrivener project I share after the event. It’s being created in Scrivener for MacOS v2.8 this year, which slightly updated the project format to allow compatibility with Scrivener for iOS. As such, if your version of Scrivener is older than July 20th, 2016 you’ll need to update in order to be able to view it.

It’s worth it, though! It’s free. It’s got more stuff you can do!

Plus it means that I can plan a NiaD from my phone.



Forgive me if some non-newcomer has already thought of this. But…

Don’t we really need someone to do a screenplay version of Novel in a Day? Drama in a Day?
Because don’t NiaDs and DriaDs belong together?

The problem with us writing a script is that some fool may try to film it and in doing so, destroy the world.
That said, I’m still waiting for someone to finish writing and film my opening to Cliffhanger 2.

:smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :open_mouth: :astonished: :smiley:

Bravo!! :smiley:

Greetings and palpitations!

I’m a long-time Scrivener user who enjoys writing novel-length works, short stories, poetry, and whatever else pops into my head. (As you can see, I’m also a lifelong proponent of the Oxford comma.) I finally took the plunge and joined this forum today, specifically to ask that you consider me for this NiaD adventure. It sounds like just my kind of litererary masochistic fun. I’m prepared to go through whatever questionable initiation process you might decree.

{Hunkers down and awaits a favorable response.}



The crew here is terrible. Questions under bright lights, water boarding, electric shock, and that’s just to go out for beer at the pub.

Piggy on the other hand… he’s down right reasonable. All he asks is that you PM him a short work you’ve written. Not for approval but so he can fit a part to the person. He’s way to soft on the noobs. Entirely unacceptable to some around here. If he wasn’t so loose in his standards headless wonders like me would have been kept out of the club.


Greetings from a fellow first-timer!


Welcome GilsDesk. I’ve sent you a PM with the next steps. :smiley:

Jaysen, try not to scare anyone off while I’m at work and not able to respond quickly. :stuck_out_tongue:

I said YOU were reasonable. I only think it’s fair to give folks a chance to brace for the emergence of vic-k.

Me too, please!

Yay! Welcome back, Siren! And may I strongly encourage you to heckle your co-workers to take part? I count 12 LL staff now; that’s a whole Novella-in-a-Day book you can fill by yourselves!

Jaysen, try not to scare anyone off while I’m drunk and not able to respond quickly. :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t promise that. My bottle or rum is full-ish. It will be empty-ish shortly. I’ve been told I do … things with excessive consumption of rum. Let’s see who has the worst nightmare from that.

I shall not sit in envy of this NviAD. Count me in!

According to my precise calculations, I should be able to pick up my packet during a flight layover. Being then substantially written on the long flight leg, it is quite possible my chapter will be higher than Jaysen, even higher than Jamieson.


p.s. Pigfender, I would just make bold and think of it as NIAD 2016 as far as signature swag and so on is concerned. Years are just more fun than numbers.