NiaD Episode VI: Return of the NiaD

Dang. You’ve just blocked my attempt to weasel back out.

That’s been my philosophy: trailing edge all the way! I still miss WordStar.

Heh. You don’t apprehend how utterly non-demanding of special gizmos my writing is.

But to savor your magnificent project… well, maybe that’s the incentive I’ve been lacking to tackle an update.

We’ll see.

Yikes! My humble writing sample was accepted! I’m in!

(Which also means that I absentmindedly overlooked my rule about not belonging to any group that would have me as a member…)

I’m going to start stocking up on rum and Swedish Fish for the 17th of June…

And pencils…

And sealing wax…

And electrons for Scrivener…

You’re one of us now! :smiley:

You really shouldn’t threaten people like that…

If there’s still room Rog, count me in - Lee

Absolutely! :smiley: It’s going be a great one this year!

Hi Rog,

Yes please, Count me in. I would love to be a part of this. Must be mad! So much pressure, but the finished product is always amazing!

Best Regards


Yes! Yesyesyesyesyes!
Count me in, please. :smiley:

I’m in.

Ah damn! I would so have loved to do it again, but I’ll be on a vacation with my boyfriend…I’m excited to see the result, though!

Yes! I’m in! Please!

Time to write a novella! Thank you Rog.

All the best,

I’m in. Glad Real Life ™ became Fun Time.

Oh yes, please!
Last time was so much fun!!


From now till the bitter end, I shall be here to participate.

Thanks for keeping this going Rog. You rock.


That takes us to TWO COMPLETE versions. Welcome back, y’all!

OneSwellFoop - sorry you can’t make it this time. Hopefully you’ll be able to take part in October!

Count me in if there is still room. =)

Yup, welcome back, Indy!

Yay! Count me in please. :slight_smile:
