NiaD X

Fine wine takes time to develop. Same with scotch and rum. Moonshine though… it’s crap in its finest form. I come from a family of bootleggers.

And I had help. You’ll understand.

Actually, it was 2:30 p.m. here when I finished. I stopped panicking at midday and just got on with it.


Mr X

Sounds about normal for 2020. Gotta come up with better excuses these days…

A dolphin ate it?

One of life’s many griefs is that I did not get to meet Vic in person.
I held back the tears all day, until now.
Nonetheless, thank you.

I am determined to finish my chapter for him. Apologies to Pigfender if I don’t finish it in time.

Finished and sent! Oh my that was both awesomely fun, and insanely hard!

I can’t wait to see how the story turns out! :slight_smile:


I’m not vic-k and I’ll never be as capable of supporting others as he was. Dig deep and hear him telling you “this is just a time, soon it will pass.” He told me that a lot. A. Lot.

And when you have time, feel free to lean on me a bit. Maybe together we can be just enough Vic to get through to the other side in one piece.

Well, I’ve finished mine. Yay!

I don’t know if it’s any good, but at least it’s done.
I shall send it after one last edit.

I always panic when I receive the brief and think I can’t do it, and then somehow make sense of it and a story emerges.

I’m a terrible procrastinator so I actually spent an hour editing my WIP which I’ve had Writers Block on for a while.

Ironically, Scrivener on my iPad isn’t compiling today, so I’ve had to copy everything into Windows. Typical!

Thanks to @pigfender for making this such a great event. I’m looking forward to reading your chapter too! :slight_smile: And, of course, everyone else’s.

Just what I feel. Trying to make sense of my chapter was the biggest challenge this time, rather than feeling completely out of my depth with genre like the last two times I took part.



Done! The benefit of being in this time zone is that I have lots of time to mull my concept. The drawback is that I have to start writing as soon as I wake up.

This year’s genre was … my spouse’s favorite. One of these days, I swear the story will be about something I know about (and will have no excuse for getting badly wrong). Some day.

There can’t be that many genres left! :smiley:

Chapter sent.

And so to the bath…

My chapter is as done as it will ever be. Submitted to the master monkey, ready for assembly. I am looking forward to the last of the five stages of NIAID, a little nap.

I didn’t claim to know about very much…

I was really concerned when I started this one that I would struggle to find things to say in my chapter. There’s quite a lot of specifc detail I wanted to get halfway right, with the danger that it overtakes the business of telling an interesting story! But as before I found that eventually I can sit down and spew out words, and a reasonably complete first draft has been done. Now I’ve “just” got to edit it. I have a little unnecessary (for the main plot) substory for colour that I have to decide whether I have time to include…

I’m running first phase editing!!! I seriously don’t know if I’ve done a good job or not!!!

Sent my chapter its under 2000 words but I do know more about supreme court and procurement :smiley: Thank you Rog it was as always fun to take part

Yay! Done!

Those still writing, you’ve got this. Those finished, raise a glass with me.

I think I’m done - I’m going to grab a bite to eat and do a final read through… wow.

Done and submitted. I have no idea why I struggled with this one. I should know a little bit more about this from all the crime shows I watch, but sadly, all that knowledge escaped me when I stared at the blank white page (or rather cream since I wrote it on my iPad). The urge to have one of my characters scream, “you can’t handle the truth” was there, but I decided against it after mulling it over. :smiley: