NiaD X

I wonder how many different iterations of “representatives of the Comptroller’s office” did Mr. Cole meet over the course of the novel? :mrgreen:

Hope less than 66…

Squeeeekikkikgrrrrsqueee (you may recall him from page 4 or so) has repeatedly stated that the current state of humans is such that the meat is too fatty or too lean, too often contaminated with “unnatural substances” and in many ways distasteful. “And to that end, we find that your kind is easy to manipulate into doing that hard work of catching fish, crabs and shrimp for us, making it much more advantageous to not eat you.”

Squeeeekikkikgrrrrsqueee did continue with, “Now orcas on the other hand… they are NOT happy with the way humans have done things of late, and will likely hold that grudge for some time. I highly recommend you avoid them. And pass the flounder you caught this way please.”

I’m tired but eager to read how it all comes together. This year I had difficulty because the characters in my brief were all competing to tell it from their point of view. The character descriptions really allowed me to visualize everyone and instantly have too many separate ideas about their stories. :open_mouth: :smiley:

As always, it was great fun. I appreciate all of the hard work that goes into this project and thank you for allowing me to play along.

Now I’m anxious to see whether Otis Johnson makes it to President with Angela Bennett his pick for VP and Tom Bennett his FLOTUS. Or maybe that’s not the point of the story… or the genre… Never mind, I’ll get my X badge and that’s all that matters.

Thanks Rog for another enervating Saturday.

I still need to add last years cup to my signature. So now I can do them both at the same time. Once I find them.
At least I’m hoping my section was received.

The first black gay president! In your face, Barack!

Uf! Barely made it this year. Real-life stuff made it really hard! :open_mouth:

I think I managed to send a little more than 1500 words. But I’d rather do that than poke a hole in this year’s NiaD. :unamused:

All books are compiled! Just uploading now!

rubs hands with glee THANK YOU!!!

Woohoo!!! Thank you, Piggy!!! :smiley:

Snort!! I’m so excited… literally it’s the only thing keeping me awake!!! :smiley:

Wowsa! :smiley:
Love your new icon, too!

Looking forward to reading!


Huge thanks to everyone who took part in today’s Novel in a Day. I had a blast talking to you all throughout the day. I hope you had awesome fun. Thanks, as always, to the lovely folks at LL for hosting us on their forum, and of course for producing Scrivener without which an event as completely ridiculous as Novel in a Day simply would not be imaginable!

As always, I’d love to hear your feedback! Comments on the event in this thread, and on the book in the book specific thread (which if you’ve not already found, can be hunted down in that library link, above).

And, of course, a final shout out to Vic and Montree - good friends, sorely missed.

Getting down to reading,!

One more newbie question: the colors - are they different only in who wrote or also some parts of the script were different?

They’re just written by different people. So if, for example, you wrote chapter 10 in book Yellow, the people who wrote Chapter 10 in the other books will have done so with exactly the same brief as you!

Humongous thanks Piggy. I opened up a new world that I daren’t venture before. I was apprehensive of the topic at first since law isn’t my strong suit, but a bit of research, a random documentary on cyber crime in high places and a nap helped.

And waiting for gr to wave his bespoke NiaD magic wand.

Thank you, Pigfender! You are absolutely amazing and hope to do this again next year!
Thank you everyone for the fun. I love reading everyone’s fun stories and it truly is a delight working with everyone!


Hey! I’m not seeing my chapter in the finished stories. I sent it out about an hour before the deadline. Did it not arrive? I didn’t get any bounced notifications or anything. I’m kind of bummed since I worked on it for hours today. I even had a power outage and was afraid I wouldn’t be able to send it, but I was excited when the power came back on just in time.

I know there’s nothing that can be done about it now, but I’m sad it didn’t make it in.

That’s my favorite thing about this - finding out what other people did with same brief.