Thanks @pigfender for this year’s amazing experience! Can’t wait to read mine. I had a couple of errands on the DotNiaD (Day of the NiaD…) and so I wasn’t able to submit “well before the deadline” as in years past. But phew and I somewhat enjoyed The Dark anniversary last night furiously scanning for continuity errors and tenses, hah.

(Singing “@gr” to the tune of the Blue Danube: gr * 5, gr gr, gr gr…) “Behold the maker of —bespoke — NiaDs…”


Yay!!! Thank you all. :smiley: And yes, Thank you @pigfender for all your hard work. This is one of the coolest and craziest things I get to be part of. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


@Velviit Another way to share would be to share a link to <> – pigfender will also post the books to that site soon.

The Bespoke Edition of ‘The Dark (10th Anniversary Edition)’ is now posted!

This web-based setting of the novel includes every version of every chapter in a form that makes them easy to browse and select and read, so you can mix and match your own bespoke edition of this extraordinary novel.

There are 55,296 distinct possible versions of The Dark 10th!

Congrat-ululations to all. You’re looking fine.
Thanks to Pigfender for another incredible go!


Note: When it comes to ISP, I “buy local”, so sometimes their servers have to – what? wake up? am I their only client? I don’t know. :unamused: ) Sip some tea.

@Camy @thegirlclaudia @pigfender


Thanks @gr much for the bespoke!

Yes, I sure fancy tea. Camomile. I need to travel back in time for the scones and cream. Biscotti is somewhere underneath me… As for everything else, I’m delighted that this NiaD literally made my day.

Oh wait. 2021X. Does that mean we’re going to have our regular NiaD this autumn? :scream:

That’s what the man said!

In fact, in pigfender’s nomenclature, The Dark 10th is not a 2021-anything, but ‘NIAD 1*’. It even lives on the same page as the 2011 edition.

I consider it possible that when we submitted our chapters, they were sent back to pigfender-2011 and so this entire NIAD just happened in the past.


Wow! That’s impressive. It’s really cool to be able to see chapters side by side.

Ha thanks @gr! Hope the lemon-ADE hasn’t got to me by the time of the official 11th NiaD, or I’ll miss out!

Come to think of it, the most iconic aspect for me of this special NiaD is that today, 15 August 2021, the day the N is out, is actually my late boyfriend’s 51st birthday. 15 is the day. But 51 is his shell. His fearless soul died earlier this year shortly after taking the lemon. (I can’t help bursting out laughing here.) I’ve not reached out to him after saying happy new year, but inferred from his tweets that he was also taken out by The Dark. He was the muse for my NiaD’s just as (just a wild guess) @vic-k was to @Jaysen. RIP GJM. I have scattered enough clues about his identity on this forum, I loved him so much.

On the other hand, this sudden endeavour — I didn’t expect to have such a packed Saturday — had rejuvenated me in ways I had not foreseen. I have been suffering under a spell of depression and this definitely lifted my moods, even though I aroused the ire of my renter. There is hope when there is NiaD. So I think there will be other muses coming my way for NiaD’s that I happen to chance upon. Cheers :beers:

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Thank you so so so much dear piggy, I appreciate so much all your hard work and dedication in making this event a great success.
It is always memorable and you are making a lot of people very happy.
I had a blast and hope you did you.


I sent Michael into the dining room twice !

Yes please share as widely as you like! In additon to the fine options suggested by others, you’ve got two other options… I’ve set up a more social media friendly shortened URL which will take people to the forum post with all the book links on it…

Alternatively, if it’s genuinely just the one version you want to share with people (in your case the Blue PDF), by all means just give them the direct link to that version.


Ah yes, that’s the time honoured day-after-NiaD experience! Last time I took part I got the name of a character’s daughter and his wife mixed up. Which changed the family dynamic somewhat. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Unlike last year’s ‘On Your Honour’ where I managed an entire scene set on a Dolphin watching boat trip, this time I found it impossible to shoe-horn Dolphins into a scene set in a morgue. Oh, the trials and tribulations of NiaD…

I’d like to thank PigFender for being his usual stalwart self, along with everyone who took part. It was an utter blast! Many thanks. :smiley:


How hard could that have been?! Look, just look at that whole bank of big, dolphin-sized drawers.


Hindsight is a wicked beast. I suppose I could have written the Medical Examiner as slightly psychotic, and the major shareholder in a dubious fishmongers/sushi bar… but that would have bollocksed my brief and, gawd forbid, possibly upset PigFender.


That’s great!
I wasn’t sure how to proceed.
This is helpful.
Thank you!


The best part was that, after an unintended 3-month break from writing , due to whatever (Covid Anxiety, New Boss Syndrome, etc) I was forced, in a way to have to write 2,000 words to complete my part of this novel.

Now I want to get back to writing my ‘real’ work.

So, thanks for that at least.


That is really cool. Thank you for doing that. :smiley:

Yes! My sister told me that, after I wasted hours (well about 30 seconds) googling to see which floor/building it was on! Luckily, she’s a, a nurse, and b, has been in Addenbrooks.