Novel-in-a-Day 3: With a Vengeance

What’s wrong with a bit of pain anyway? In the immortal lines of the Dread Pirate Roberts (nee Westley), “Life is pain Princess! Whoever says otherwise is selling something.”

I’m reasonably sure vic-k is living and with measurable neurocognitive activity. I’m also reasonably sure he is not a figment of my imagination (less sure I am not a figment of his). Admittedly, not a 100% certain of any of the above.

I think you are eminently capable of making a useful contribution but, sadly, it seems you missed out on the last spot this year. On the plus side, I hope your wockettes fly well (I’d use proper racing vernacular but I don’t know any).

We are all ramblings of Mr K’s mind.

Consider how that unifies all things and it will scare the stuffing out of you. Seriously. Think about it. All the “contradictions” make sense as do the random variations of life. See? Scary.

I have contributed to the horror section of the story.

One might say it this way: If your damn birds beat damn birds I’ll invite you over for target practice and a feast of fowl.


My personal favorite: My cat had these feathers in his mouth. Do they look familiar

Everyone always blames Fluff, when we all know who the real culprit is.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a man in possession of at least half a brain, couldn’t fail to be aware that I, Fluff, am a Fishy in the Dishy Gal. Avian flesh, and/or feathers, are for those with jaundiced and jaded palates.


i,m your huckleberry

Be that the case, cus, a jaded palate can always be reeducated. ;-))
Cousin Fluff

In this particular case, the … perpetrator … was an orange tiger who lives across the street. He is quite the manly cat, procuring fresh meat from several species. Fowl, rodent, pisces. I admire his willingness to take risks in his attempts to impress his lady.

his lady is a persian with a grey saddle. She gets the bounty of his efforts. She defends her couch, forbidding the enterprising tom from obtaining any rest or comfort from it. She does allow him access to the deck rail and window sill. She is becoming slightly obese from his offerings. We know it is fat and not kittens as she was … how shall I put it so as to avoid offending your sensibilities … medically made infertile (poor girl).


There’s a good chance that it’s Vic that is the normal one. It’s everyone else that keeps hallucinating these other manifestations.

I am rather partial to chicken and turkey, and have been known to eat duck on occasion. I should probably not (but will) confess that I have also eaten pigeon. It had been plucked and cooked, of course. So, no tell-tale feathers in the corner of my mouth.
It was… quite possibly… one of the tastiest bites of food I have ever eaten.
Naturally, given the size, it was pretty much just that one bite.

Actually, Glam has been in touch and let me know that they are sadly no longer able to take part. So there is still that one place left available…


Just in case the space is not filled up, I suggest we use AmberV’s Write-My-Book™ button to provide for the missing chapter. :slight_smile:

'Scyoos me please! I’d just like to point out, that

is nothing more than a feeble inferior rip off, imitation of a long proselytised feature concept of mine!!


Oh, no, Vic! The PNo1WWBSBBBR button is never gonna happen as a single click! You will just have to stick to the manual process of File|Import|Files… Anna Karenina.DOC, and adjust the Compile|Replacement settings accordingly.

Just make sure you get a proper DOC file source, since a PDF won’t do the trick :slight_smile:

Young r6d2. To be able to follow, or do as you’ve instructed, my human would have to enrol on an Extensive Mega Extended Computer Literacy course, with the emphasis on mega extended. Even then, there would be no guarantee of success. Befuddled and bewildered, being the probable outcome. That’s why he wants a PNo1WWBSBBBR button. Doesn’t take a lot of figuring out… 'snot rocket science. How far above sea level is your Andean pied-à-terre? You’re not suffering from oxygen starvation of the brain… are you?

I suspect Vic-k would make do with a PINOTNOIR tap, mounted anywhere within easy reach and serving as a mechanism for achieving his preferred state of [size=150]Pffffrrrrtttt[/size].

Oh, old Fluff. I perfectly understand why he wants the PNo1WWBSBBBR button. My post just stated that it’s never gonna happen. Doesn’t take a lot of figuring out either… :slight_smile:

As cumbersome as the suggested procedure -to overcome that fact- may appear to the un-initiated, I think you’re under estimating your human. In fact, he well may be not human.

Perhaps his nickname Vic is a secret tribute to the Commodore VIC-20 computers from the eighties, designed to run on a 6502 Motorola CPU. Plain old simple 8 bit processor. But, surprisingly, the same processor used by the T-800 series in the Terminator movies.

Or perhaps my own nick is a tribute to the Star War movies, or I’m myself a droid. But anyway, you should not under estimate the power of the Force. :slight_smile:

Well, I’m actually located below sea-level, closer to the planet core than the average life form, so oxygen supply is not an issue here. :wink:

Just a few hours over THREE WEEKS to go. Which sounds like a lot, but it’s going to fly by…

We still have ONE PLACE left to fill.

me me pick me!.. i love doing stuff like this

With Reliquary, that brings us to TWENTY-FIVE participants!

Anyone beyond this point interested in signing up, I’m afraid we are now full. I’d be happy to put you on a list for reserve places just in case anyone drops out.

Congrats Reliquary :-)) Good luck.

Saint preserve us all!! Just what we need! One of Scrivener’s miscreanti next to the Earth’s core. No wonder we’re plagued by: tremors; earthquakes; volcanoes and tsunamis :-((

WHAT??? Why would anyone say a thing like that? That’s just cruel. Everyone knows that if you don’t believe in Santa he doesn’t bring you any presents. My aunt taught me this when I was 7 years old and it is possibly the truest thing she ever said. As I aged, I developed a fine appreciation of the truth of what she taught me.
Note: This same aunt also used to sing “I’m happy Jack the Ripper”, so I paid attention to what she said! I can still remember the song.

BUT in a futile attempt to remain topic: 3 weeks! Ouch.