Novel-in-a-Day 4.0: Live Free or NiaD

Okay. I finally sent it. My daughter didn’t look it over (brat), so no second eyes. I was totally out of my element on this, but enjoyed it. I watched The Blacklist the other night, so that helped. LOL.

I can’t wait to see how it all comes together. :smiley:

Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication, pigfender. :smiley:

That’s on my TBW list. Is it pretty good?

Sweet! Just sent mine in… A tad shy of 1700 words.

I hope it works :smiley:

I’m homing in on the end of my chapter. Should be sliding in under the official deadline, but just barely.

Just sent mine off just over 1800 words

Just finished my first draft. Comes in at 1.7k. So now a brief break, then a quick edit and done. :slight_smile:

Liked writing this. It flowed like hot custard!

I love it. :slight_smile: James Spader really makes the show. :slight_smile: Some of it is crazy and over the top, but I still love it.

I’m completely lost by now. Do I have one more hour to edit, or has the deadline just passed?


In honesty… it was @6k. I cut 2k out. then cut a bit more. Then added a bit. 4K was the end point post edit.

I’m a “brain vomiter”. I spent most of last night planning sub scenes. Then I put them all down. Then I make them work. I actually do the whole “walk away from it” thing I suggested. I never have problems with min word counts, and rarely with subjects. max word counts… they’re PITAs.

I’m counting on one more hour.

Hopefully this will help.



go to the URL in your brief.

For those that have sent to piggy… does he get back to you?

Considering it’s about 8PM Turo time, he may be having supper or reading through what has been rcvd so far. I’ve not sent to Piggy so far, sorry.

Timewise, is Melbourne, Australia ahead of London, GB UK or behind? And, by how many hours?

I just discovered that Scrivener isn’t underscoring spelling issues. Any suggestions anyone?

Just sent my bit in… yay me!

I do get back to you, but only after I’ve opened it and had a quick read through. I’ve seen your email Jaysen, but I got about 10 chapters that came in all at once.

I’m also prioritising answering Qs over reading chapters.


I’ll assume no news is good news.

I’m in, just under 3k. Couldn’t get the ocean, poodles, a HAW or a biplane in. Not without forcing it anyway…

I figured naked women would excuse all omissions from my previously conceived plots.

And win me Vic-k points.

Done and sent, 2345 tortuously chosen words. :wink:

There’s room for a “martini, shaken but not stirred” reference, but I forbore.