Novel-in-a-Day 4.0: Live Free or NiaD

Thank you, Mr. X. I looked up Xiamenese once because the name kept reminding me of Darren Shan’s books. I hope to visit China some day. Well, back on topic. I appreciate the heads up and will try it to see if it works. I’ve I’m not there next year, you’ll know it didn’t work. :wink:

Wait… So simply “visit us more often” isn’t really an option?

Are vic-k and I really that bad?

If you use RSS - click the RSS link up top and you can subscribe to whichever forum sections you like.

Ooo, I had never looked into the RSS options. Fulfills some dreams of mine for a more tweakable following of these forums.

However, for the purpose at hand, seems like a persistent (i.e., not tied to a specific year’s NIAD), admin-post-only NIAD Alert/Announcement thread in the announcements subcat of the NIAD subforum would be the ticket. Subscribing to that thread would keep you in the loop year to year about when it opens, where to sign up, when it closes, when the books are out. Similar to the Announcements thread in the Scrivener (sub)forum – which you could subscribe to and be sure to (just) hear important Scriv news.

An RSS subscription to the NIAD subforum would feed you everything from the subforum which might be more than is wanted for one like Montree who just wants to swoop in, niad,* and ride off into the sunset (“Who was that masked scrivener?” “I guess we’ll never know, kid.” “Aw, I didn’t even get a chance to thank him.” “Deal with, Jimmy.”).


  • Can we use this as a verb yet?

I think the point of subscribing to the NiaD forum is that once the dust has settled from this year’s event, there’ll be little change on it until PigFender announces the opening of next year’s NiaD 5.

Mr X


Seems right enough!

I’m now able to open the project file. Thank you.