Novel-in-a-Day 5: Go Set A NiaD

Pigfender, fellow NIADers: How harsh do you want to the language to get? On a scale from 1950s-era American TV: “You goll-dern, yella-bellied, no-good varmit!” to HBO’s Deadwood: “I want that ****-sucker dead!”

Not that I was going to go full Deadwood, or anything, but guys may or may not be under stress in my chapter. :open_mouth:

Up to you for your chapter. We’ve certainly had F-words before (I’ve certainly had characters use 'em in my chapters).

How do you pronounce “****”?
[size=85]Hmmm… my interpretation of Asterix and Obelix has just altered considerably![/size] :open_mouth:

Ohhhh…good point. I need to throw some language in. Maybe that will give them more colour.

(hah! I put in a u!! :p)

use british english if you can…

I barely get hicklish right. You will get my best effort, but vic-k will be confused.

Don’t worry about it too much.

If people need a bit of a guide to who used what when:

HAHA. :smiley:

That’s two of your hours done! :astonished:

The betting pool: how many chapters in total will contain at least one character, major or minor, expectorating on dusty ground.

Just checked my e-mail and I see the information package! Going to open it now. Can’t wait to get started!

– nav66

Love the background info you include in the packet, Pigfender.

eyes words written Ahhhhhuuuummmmmmm… frantic rewriting

(on an aside…the only reason I remember what “expectorating” means is because of Disney. cheer!)

Well, all of them now, I imagine! :smiley:

Thanks! :smiley:

Do your characters swear in Chinese as well?

You give me something I understand and have a chance of doing “right” and I’m stuck trying to figure out how many rifles would have been a better choice than the ones you listed…

30 words in. Trying like the dickens to find my stride.

I’m placing odds on about 3/4 of all paragraphs.

It’s tripped up, though, if you add the spit can. :stuck_out_tongue: