Novel-in-a-Day XI - the undecaNiaD

:smiley: :heart:

:dolphin: :pirate_flag::dolphin: :pirate_flag::dolphin: :pirate_flag::dolphin: :pirate_flag:

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Random nueron fired off that it was getting close to time, and yes, I have no sense and want to do this again! please sign me up!


This is wonderful news! I was under the distinct impression that space-pirate dolphins were banned, or at the very least ‘dolphin non grata.’
Happy days!

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Wait, I thought we were getting pirate space-dolphins. All my worldbuilding for nothing!

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I’m in. That is, I would like to participate.

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Me, please. I do love a bit of stress on a Saturday.

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What does it say about me that NiaD is the least stressful part of my life?

Crap. I just spilled the bean on that. Bad Jaysen. Bad!!

What does it say that there was only one bean to spill?

That my cow traded poorly?
That I live boringly?
That I have a simple life lived openly?

No. It doesn’t meant that. It means


No more bean stealing or the pirate space-dolphins might be summoned.

I am in! Look at, that I am not checking in at the very last moment this session.

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Who do you think is doing the stealing if not the piratical dolphins?!? I barely have enough lentils for our leek/kale/lentil soup with shrimp! They best not eat my shrimp!

(for the record, I do live on a sound and catch shrimp before dinner to eat … for dinner. my assessment of piratical dolphins is supported by my need to purchase crab traps in multiples since they tend to destroy them to get to the catch and the bait)

I find it difficult to accept that your lentil shortage is caused by dolphins, piratical or otherwise - unless they have miniaturization technology, teleportation, and anti-grav suits. That said, it does open up an entirely new avenue for scientific research, and a fresh look at crab trap design.

Shrimp are yummy!

So, anyway…

Books. They’re great aren’t they?


I was trying to make newbies feel good… here’s how the last one really went for me:

The week of NIAD 10th anniversary special:
MA assignment due. Edits due back to my publisher for my novel. Agreed to proof read someone else’s novel for my publisher. Lost job after online ESL market collapsed in China, but reeling in private students, and therefore sussing out new teaching platforms, new payment platforms, and creating entire curricula for each different new class. Daughter starting uni is finally home for a fortnight to get organised (finalising accommodation, packing, buying stuff, blah di blah, and approximately 7 and a half million forms to fill in). Friday night, I finished the proof reading, did a cliched sigh of relief and vowed to finish assignment on Sat. Made mistake of checking emails just before going to bed - approx 12.08. Email from NIAD. The thing I’d forgotten.
Saturday: Awake. Reread NiaD brief. Realise missed last load of info and haven’t read the original (no prob, better without, maybe.) Throw brief at husband with instructions to read and think. Text sister for hospital info. Teach three classes. 2.30pm. Start writing, achieve cliched zen like state for next 4 hours where every but this exits my brain and life is stress free and easy. Submit at approx 6.30pm and get Chinese takeaway, now feeling like anything is possible. And that, my friends, is why I love NiaD.


I’d love to be a part of this again if you’ll have me (and my words)! :smiley:

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depends on how threatening the infinite monkey is.

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Infinite space-pirate monkeys. Each in its monadic orb typing out the code of the universe. Good idea.

Also, books. Yum.

I’m new to this but I am already daydreaming about October 16th :star_struck: sign me up :muscle:

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