I’m not going to give you my whole history. Even if potted, given that it starts in 1956 it would be too long and tedious.
So, I used Scrivener to finally gather up the short semi-fictional stories I wrote about the Netherlands since 2012. Edited them, compiled them into a pdf file and self-published them in print. I also made the thing available as an e-book on Amazon. All in the trial period of the program, and it went so well that I purchased a license.
Since the book (well, booklet) came out, I’ve talked to friends, family and acquaintances, but when they ask what I’m doing these days, I’m still forgetting to mention that I’m writing and have published my stories. Instead I mutter something about other activities like hiking and social volunteering.
Whenever relatives or friends are visiting, my book is in plain view on top of the pile of books on the side table, but I consistently forget to draw attention to it. Consequently, nobody notices the slim purple-covered volume of which I’m so proud.
Do you recognise this? Being overly reticent about your writing? Stop it. I made a resolution to mention that I Am A Writer in every conversation I’m having from now on. I’ve had precious few new conversations since, however…
The bundle is called Dutch Vignettes and it contains nine short, quite factual stories on 68 pages, in English.
I’m currently writing a novella-length feelgood love story, which is quite outside my comfort zone, yet I’m enjoying it tremendously.
O, and there’s a stack of intermittent poetry dating from 1974 until today that needs sorting out and seeing the light of day… Scrivener to the rescue!
So, uh, I’m a writer, yes?