I’m producing my thesis in Scrivener+MMD and often need to proof what it’s gonna look like when I change some sections, add headers, graphs, etc. I know Scrivener is for slowly writing your next Tolstoyevsky novel and then exporting it for typesetting in another app; but still I’d like to cook up some very efficient way to enable one button proofing with MMD. Since this is not specific to MMD, and the crux of the matter is where the process starts – in a Scrivener menu – I’ll start it here, in addition to the MMD question which is still alone in its MMD thread…
So basically what I want is: compile the document with all the previous settings and overwrite any previous compilation outputs. Single keystroke, silent work. Possibly open up a PDF viewer – but since I use Preview, and it updates the PDF by itself whenever it changes, no need to do enforce view update.
When inspecting Scrivener in AppleScript Editor, it’s immediately clear that it supports almost nothing – apparently the windowing and RTF dictionaries are inherited from Apple. I’m a newbie to AppleScript, but am a pretty good programmer, so I “only” need to pick up some AS hacks… But this is nothing to work with.
So I remember I’ve seen some excellent software by Bill Cheesman, now across the river from me, and Google for it. Here it is:
I’m thinking of attaching an action to “Compile Draft…” menu, which will fill in a given file name – alas hardcoded I’m afraid – and then hit replace, if any, and run. In fact, I remove the output folder manually now before compiling, since this saves the replace dialogue, so I might remove it just in case before providing the file name.
Any thoughts/hints/examples? Perhaps the author will add the one button compilation – unless it’s already coming in 2.0?