One copy of Scrivener creates projects that another copy of scrivener can't see on dropbox

I have scrivener on a laptop, desktop, and IOS/iPad.

The laptop and the iPad share files fine via dropbox.

The PC seems to interact with dropbox fine otherwise, but is not able to even see folders and/or files created by the the laptop and the iPad. It’s as if there is some sort of security at the scrivener level that recognizes some other scriverners work and ignores it.

Exporting and importing loses all structure and organization.

Correction, the PC can see any files on dropbox that were not created by scrivener. In other words, you can bring up the dropbox app on any of the machines, create a folder, drop in a file, and then see it on any other machine.

Except scrivener files. And those can be seen by the PC via a folder/explorer/dropbox UI view, but not via the scrivener UI.

There’s nothing in Scrivener that does that.

Perhaps try this with a dummy project set up and synced on the Laptop and iPad just to be safe

What happens if you navigate on the PC to the project file with File Explorer and double click on the Project?

Does it then appear in the PC Scrivener recent files list? Does it sync?

Where in the Scrivener UI? The Open Projects command has the same information that File Explorer does. The Recent Projects list is specific to that machine, so it won’t show anything that hasn’t been opened on that machine.

Nope, no such function exists.

On the machine that cannot see your project, access the Dropbox folders from File Explorer.
Work your way through to the folder Scrivener stores your projects. The location is, as I understand, dictated by iOS, which is why you may not find your Scrivener projects in a standard documents folder per se where all other apps store online documents.
Having found the Scrivener projects, open a .SCRIV folder related to your project.
Inside double click on the .SCRIVX file to open your project.
Scrivener will remember this location the next time you work on your project (access it from the Scrivener icon).

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