Option to Swap Split Editors

I would love to see a feature to swap the contents of split editors, whether vertically or horizontally.

Many of us likely have preferences for what we do in the left or right editor. For instance, I prefer to write in the left editor and use the right for referencing or checking other texts. There are times when it becomes necessary to switch these roles, and having a simple way to swap the editors would streamline this process. A practical example is when editing two closely related chapters, where changes in one affect the other.

Thank you.

This is already a menu item, I think, but I’m on my ipad and can’t check the actual location. It’s somewhere on the View menu – put swap into the search bar on the Help menu and you should find it. I’ve given it a short cut because it’s so useful. It will also swap top and bottom editors if that’s the current layout.



Got it in one!
View → Editor Layout → Swap Editors.