Overwhelming praise

Scrivener is now Featured on the Featured-Go-Round on the App store as well as listed in “Apps We Love”. 237 five star reviews (including one love letter) and counting.

JDGwf - many thanks for the kind words!

gr - 237 reviews, but no tall five star - there are a couple of one-star, three-star and four-star reviews, too. :slight_smile:

All the same, I’m over the moon! We had far more users buy Scrivener in the past 24 hours than we ever imagined. And being featured by Apple is fantastic. We knew there was a chance of it happening as they asked us for artwork, but that’s never a guarantee. And they gave us an “Editors’ Notes” paragraph too, which is nice. At this rate, we might even break even on all the costs we spent on other developers at some point. :slight_smile:

My sincere thanks to everyone who has given us such great reviews on the App Store. It really helps us get noticed and take Scrivener to the next level. I’m somewhat overwhelmed by some of the lovely reviews people have left, too.

All the best,

I haven’t done much so far with iScrivener except toy with the tutorial and transfer some test files through iTunes. I’m blown away by your creation and you have my admiration. You persevered and overcame.

Whether it’s the mitigation of physical limitation that the usage of an iPad can bring , or an improved workflow, you’ve increased possibilities and productivity. Well done, @KB.

Even after more than 24 hours after its release, Scrivener is doing extremely well in the App Store:
At #1.pngAt #5.png
Huge congrats to Keith and his team! I knew you’d guys do well, but it’s still very exciting to see Scrivener topping the charts. (And it’s just as exciting to finally have Scrivener on my iPhone!) :smiley: Thank you so much for all the hard work that went into this app! It’s literally the best thing that’s ever been made for the iPhone (and iOS, for that matter).

Is that what those tiny specks are? :slight_smile:

Huh, I thought I had some busted pixels on my phone.