EDIT: PEBKAC error. I am in Scriverning’s mode on this particular document.
Version 64bit. 21 June 2023. Updating to this version is when it started. I did so a couple of days ago and it’s been doing this since.
It’s persisted through restarts and no other browsers or programs are behaving this way.
Page up and down bring my cursor all the way to the top or bottom of the entire document instead of moving up and down a page.
I’m not sure if it’s a “feature” or a bug, but it’s irritating. If it’s just some toggle or setting, I’d like to know how to get my page up and page down to behave properly again.
If it’s a bug, a patch would be appreciated.
If there’s a setting that toggles this, I have no idea where it is and have no idea how it managed to get toggled if that is the case.
It’s making editing documents a pain as I have to either use the scroll wheel or arrow keys to move through a document to proof read it instead of just tapping page up or down.
EDIT: I’m an idiot and just realized the document I’m trying to edit is in fact in Scrivernings mode.
I think I added a folder instead of a file without realizing I’d done it and just started working and never noticed the blue behind the page icon. I’ve been working on that document for about a week and it’s at around 30k words currently.
My screen is 4k, so the icons are smaller and it didn’t catch my eye.
Really digging that script JimRac provided though. As I mentioned, Scrivner tends to overshoot by a line when I page up and down sometimes, so being able to fine tune that is very useful.
If you are in single document mode, then yes, this is a new bug. I’m not on, so I cannot test it.
But if you are in Scrivenings mode, then this is a known issue for Windows Scrivener, which has always worked this way in Scrivenings mode. It’s been discussed previously in a number of threads, particularly this one.
Yes it is. So irritating in fact that I wrote this small Autohotkey script to work around it:
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
; #IfWinActive, Scrivener
; #IfWinActive ahk_class Qt51511QWindowIcon
#IfWinActive ahk_class Qt51514QWindowIcon
^PgDn:: ; Ctrl+PageDown
Send {Down 13}
^PgUp:: ; Ctrl+PageUp
Send {Up 13}
It sets Ctrl+Page Up/Page Down to move the editor a predefined number of lines up or down.
Are you able to reproduce this in a test project (like the Interactive Tutorial in the Help menu—go to “Compiling the Draft” which has a fair bit to page through)?
I’ve never seen anything like it and have not managed to find a way to make it happen either, so I’m wondering if it is perhaps a project setup condition (which the tutorial would test against) or perhaps a global setting issue if the tutorial does the same thing.
Happens in Scrivenings mode when I hold down Fn and press PgUp or PgDn otherwise the cursor jumps a few lines only.
Same with the Interactive Tutorial.
Perhaps some users’ Fn key is locked to use the shift version of the function keys like louder, softer, brighter, dimmer, etc. I used to activate that by holding Fn and pressing Esc. Doesn’t work now. I may have turned it off in the BIOS.
But the bottom line is it’s not happening for me as described on version 3.1.5. My install is the tweaked in-version next day update, so that may be a factor to consider.
I’m an idiot and just realized the document I’m trying to edit is in fact in Scrivernings mode.
I think I added a folder instead of a file without realizing I’d done it and just started working and never noticed the blue behind the page icon. I’ve been working on that document for about a week and it’s at around 30k words currently.
I am not holding down fn/Shift and don’t have any key locks though, it’s just doing it in scrivernings mode without any FN input. I don’t have a function key lock option as far as I know. My PC is a custom build and not a prebuilt or laptop.
If that was the case it would affect some of the other programs I use and that isn’t happening.
It’s just doing that in scrivernings mode without the use of a modifier to the page up and down keys.
Still digging that script JimRac posted. As I said, for some reason Scrivner tends to overshoot a line sometimes on the top or bottom when I page up or down.
Thanks for all the help and replies, turned out to be a PEBKAC error.