Paragraph Format Presets Redundant?

How come Headline 1 and headline 2 are the same in the paragraph format options? I looked at the macOS version and saw that these are different headings, as they should be. Same goes for some of the other presets. Could this be adjusted with an update? I also tried to follow the iOS tutorial instructions for exporting style formatting presets, but the “format → formatting → export styles” doesn’t seem to exist.
Would appreciate any help to work better with my documents

The “presets” bit only pertains to the old version of Scrivener, which did not have styles and only had a global formatting preset menu. The command you saw was a way of getting those presets into the iOS version. It has no relevance in the modern version.

So for projects made these days, styles you put into the project will carry over automatically and be available in iOS. Any modifications you make to the formatting of styles on desktop, will also show up after transferring it to mobile.

Because the mobile version can work with both old and new projects, its default presets (and they are just presets, note the wording in the panel) have nothing to do with styles, and I would not use them personally. I would at a minimum copy my blank starter project to iOS and leave it there empty, to duplicate from. This way I can have my styles all set up the way I want, and have them be actual styles instead of something that applies direct formatting to the text and nothing more.

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Hey Ok i see!
Sending a blank project from Mac to my iPad and using it as a new ‘default’ seems like a working solution to get paragraph styles on iPad. Is there ever an update planned to just integrate the paragraph styles by default on iPad?

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Given the fact that the old version is still out there, and people are welcome to continue using it for as long as it works, it will probably have to remain “ignorant” of styles by default for some time still. We could probably come up with a way around that, like a way to create a v1/v2 compatible project on iOS from scratch, but it’s one of those things where you don’t want to spend too much time improving on something that is already just there for backward compatibility.

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Thanks for your answers. I think being able to choose the version in the settings or somewhere would be helpful. The way your last answer is phrased does make it sound like scrivener won’t receive some updates and features because people are using old versions and it would mess up compatibility. Maybe I’m understanding this wrong.

*this was supposed to say “scrivener on iPad”