Pleasant themes

Hi, I really appreciate all the work that has been put into this program—and, I am taking advantage, and really enjoy all the organizational freedom your program offers, but, I have been through every topic I can find regarding themes. I’ve tried to make my own, but have been frustrated with the inability to control the background binder panel and editor background independently, as well as the tool bar, colors. I’ve read the posts about editing the theme base code, by saving as a zip, editing… saving… etc. I don’t want to mess with it.

For me, many of the premade themes are not conducive to a pleasant writing experience. At first, I thought this was just a silly set back, and I can work with it, but now, the more I use the program, the more I would really like to personalize it. Some of the themes feel like I’m looking at a DOS screen, instead of, what should be a beautiful interface to write with. I’ve spent way to much time trying to create a pleasant working environment. To no avail. Please help.

Color pallet examples:

Perhaps some gradients? Or parchment texture background in place of colors? Just ideas.

Anyway, I’m sorry this is my first post, because I think your software is awesome. Thank you


Hi Joseph,

Creating Themes goes a really long way if you know CSS, as I’ve discovered recently in my own Theme-in-Progress.
Changing the Appearance Preferences and editing the Palette file will bring you only so far, I’m afraid. It changes colors in broad sweeps over the entire application.

Gradients are no problem, but Scrivener doesn’t use them much. The Buttons have gradients. I’ll paste an example here:

background: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1, stop: 0 #2171c6, stop: 1 #40a0ec);

background: qradialgradient(cx:0, cy:0, radius: 1, fx:0.35, fy:0.35, stop:0 #ffffff, stop:0.5 #40a0ec, stop:0.95 #2171c6, stop:1 #abe6f4);


Backgrounds of your liking are possible next to a Fixed Width editor, on the Corkboard and in full screen Composition Mode, using the settings in File > Options > Appearance and Project Settings > Backgrounds. You’ll have to deliver them separately from your Theme when you’re sharing it.

I’m starting a Reddit Community for Scrivener Theme builders. If you want to join, I’ll answer specific questions you may have: r/ScrivenerThemeBuilder

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This is a great idea, there are so few windows themes and I done some mods on the defaults but if would be great to have more variety.

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Yes, I’ll join. Thank you.