Plug-ins or Add-ons


I don’t know if this is doable or not, but I’d like to see the facility to have plug-ins or add-ons.

I was thinking of complimentary applications like Word Counter (which I’ve started using since seeing mentioned here) and others which could be accessed from inside Scrivener.

Maybe it could be work the way iPhoto does, with that I picked Photoshop Elements as a photo editor and iPhoto launches it for me.

Perhaps that could be assigned in the Text Editing preferences.

No biggie, just a thought :smiley:

At the moment I’m looking into AppleScript support. That would allow users to extend Scrivener using AppleScript and Automator. I’m a little handicapped in that I’ve never used AppleScript, though, which is why I’m asking for feedback on AppleScript support in the Feedback forum.

All the best,

I was also wondering about add-ons / extensions. Specifically, Mac OSX’s built-in spell checker is limited and I would like something more advanced, like LanguageTool which offers spell & grammar checking, and suggestions for rewording sentences, etc.
At the moment, I copy my Scrivener text to an online notepad to use my browser’s built-in LanguageTool, before pasting back into Scrivener after the corrections are made.