Problem with Page View not working properly

First of all, please understand that since I am not a native English speaker, the following question has been written using a translator.

Problem with Page View not working properly.

I have succeeded in creating a custom-sized page through print settings. (Couldn’t upload an image for some reason…:frowning: )

However, even if I set the page size in File > Page Setup, no changes occur in Page View. (On the other hand, if I select a standard size option such as A4, it is applied immediately.)

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

I am temporarily using a workaround by setting Option > Appearance > Page View > Base page view size on to Compile Setting, but this is not perfectly applied and causes many inconveniences.

If anyone knows a solution, I would appreciate it if you could share it.

I really appreciate your kindness.

Page View Dimensions:
Page View by default makes a text to scale representation of your current File > Page Setup settings. (according to the manual)

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Thanks for your reply :slight_smile:
I found the custom size option there too, but even after selecting it, the page view didn’t change. Other sizes are reflected immediately in the page view.

Is your expectation that the page will produce output to paper or another application format like DOCX or PDF exactly as you see it on screen?
If so, it won’t happen. Scrivener does not have a WYSIWYG capability.
Also, are you actually in Page View mode, or trying to simulate it through page settings?
Page View is a separate menu selection I can’t recall offhand. (Away from my laptop.)

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I’m currently writing in Page View mode, trying to mimic the look of the final printed document as closely as possible. I’ve been trying to set the Page View to a 135*195mm format, but I’m running into some difficulties. Given that Scrivener doesn’t support WYSIWYG, this might explain why. However, I find it odd that I can’t choose a custom size in the page setup.

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Does not the specific instructions by @GoalieDad above not work? Screen shot of your settings and your result would be useful.

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Do you use scaling at all?
Look at something like a page in Word and how you prefer to view it. And try to mimic that.
But, without WYSIWYG as a feature you’ll generally be around five words short or too many per line—well that’s my experience. My preference is not to use Page View as I work on a laptop and want to maximise the available space and have the Binder and Inspector on all the time for ease of access, even when writing.

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I would like to upload my screenshot.

but it says, “An error occurred: Sorry, you can’t embed media items in a post.” :frowning:

Thank you for your advice.
I originally didn’t use the Page View feature, even when working on my first book.
However, when I transferred my work from Scrivener to Adobe InDesign to prepare for the publication of a physical book, I realized that the way the text appeared on paper didn’t quite match the pacing I had envisioned for my sentences.

I had a hard time revising everything one by one at that stage, which was quite a challenging experience.
Since then, I’ve wanted to write in a way that aligns as closely as possible with how the text will appear in its final printed form. This way, I could avoid having to do the same work twice. Perhaps it’s just my personal preference, though.

I thought it would be simple to adjust by tweaking the Option > Appearance > Main Editor > Default Editor Width settings, but it didn’t behave quite as I expected.

That’s why I started considering writing in Page View mode instead.

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