Project Missing

I have three current projects, all which I have been working on for awhile. I had about 40,000 words written of a new novel I have in the works and when I opened up my computer this morning it was gone. Poof! Not pulled up on the program like it was before I went to bed, not saved under a scrivner file in finder like all my other projects. It doesn’t even show when I press open new project like it did all the times before or in the backup zip files.

It’s as if somebody erased its existence when I was sleeping. I’m not sure how this happened because all of my other projects are there and in tact. I never clicked out of anything or delete a single file.

Does any one have any insight as to what I can do?

From where do you think it is missing? In the “Recent Project list” on the opening window?

Use Finder to locate the *.scriv package. Hopefully you know the locations where you put your project(s). I’m very confident the project still there–if not, well I doubt Scrivener moved/deleted it.

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All of the *.scriv files are there except this one, which is why I’m confused. It’s normally in there with all the other ones but today it’s just not…

Hard to understand.

In sync folder with Dropbox, Onedrive, etc? if so is the folder set for Offline? Of “online” maybe sync device deleted it to “help” you save disk space?

Can you restore from your last system backup?

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How would I restore from the last system back up? I think I had all the back up options on for the file but it doesn’t exist anywhere anymore.

There are two sources of backup

  1. the automatic backups you told Scrivener to make. look in that backup folder. hopefully you have those Scrivener created backups.

  2. Your system backup. for that i cannot help as i have no idea of your system backup method. sorry.

If using sync service, good to get that under control.

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Did you use finder to locate all your .scriv files? Or did you just look in “recents”?