I’m not reporting a problem, or a bug (unless it happens to be one,) I’m just asking a question out of curiosity about how syncing works because something happened. Which is this:
This morning after waking up I had a great idea to change the opening sentence of a chapter, and I did so on my iPhone’s copy of Scrivener (I rarely use that except to read and maybe do light editing.)
Now, the laptop was off, so there was no second copy of Scrivener open.
This evening I’m working on the novel and take a look at that chapter: zoinks! the previous sentence was still there, and not my brilliant rewrite!
(I thought when Scrivener opens on the laptop it automagically syncs updates from the mobile version?)
Anywho, I decide check this out on the phone, closing Scrivener on the laptop (I do pay attention to some things) and then access iPhone Scrivener and it asks me to sync. I let it, and it does.
Back to the laptop (closing iPhone Scrivener so’s there no two instances of Scrivener open) and I open the Scrivener project and some syncing happens and it reports a conflict. (I don’t recall exactly how the syncing was inititiated, I think it automatically notified me that there were changes?)
There’s a conflicts folder now which has the old version of that sentence; the current draft has the revised version.
So, what was the conflict about? As far as I can see, everything synced perfectly, so why did it create the conflicts folder? (In case anyone asks, I have had syncing conflicts occur before in projects, but when I looked at the current draft it all seemed OK and so I just ignored the conflicts folder, at times sending them to Trash.)
Did I sync something at the wrong time?
I tried to reproduce it because I’m not 100% certain as to the procedures that ocurred after making that first edit on the phone this morning. I open iPhone Scrivener (laptop version had been quitted,) and edited that sentence again (after much consideration, I added the word “really.”) Shutting the phone down, again, and opening laptop Scrivener, and seeing… nothing changed.
File-----Sync----Mobile devices. “No changes to report” or some such thing. I guess I had to wait until Dropbox downloaded changes to the Mac. I facilitated this by shutting down laptop Scrivener, reopening the phone, and made the thing sync. So, yeah, yeah, shutting down blah blah, I opened the Scrivener project… and all is well. Changes synced and no conflcts.
That’s it. What caused the conflict? I’m 99% certain that I did everything the same during my reproduciing attempt. If anything was different, it was in the amount of time the syncing took place.