Registration Key/Serial Number

I don’t know how to find/retrieve my Scrivener registration key/serial number.

I have been a Scrivener user of the Windows version since the early beta days long before release. I have also kept everything L+L has sent me. I have followed the instructions and had eSellerate send my order history. They only have my Scapple for Windows order on file. Of course, having saved everything from L+L, I have that order email from them, so I have that key.

Did we early beta users not have a key? If we have an eSellerate key, why does it not seem to exist?

I want, for the first time since I started using Scrivener, to keep a second copy on a new laptop. I’ll continue using it there in trial mode for now, but I would like to supply a key and eliminate the “enter key” dialog. And of course, that copy’s 30-non-consecutive-days clock is ticking.

Thanks for any help,

I’m assuming you have a legit copy installed on your first machine, and if so, there is an easy way to get your registration info.

Open regedit and go to the key:


This gives you the serial number and user name, easy peasy.

Have you emailed our support directly? You should have a serial name and number, regardless of when you licenced Scrivener, but perhaps you used a different email back then and we need to do more hunting around for it than the eSellerate auto-retrieval form makes possible. It’s worth updating the records to your new address if that’s the case.