Reinstall Scrivener - "Not Responding" message pops up

I bought Scrivener back in 2011. Yes, I’ve had it that long. Anyhow, I had to reinstall Scrivener on my new laptop. In the past, I’ve entered the email address and the registration/license and Scrivener is reinstalled without problems. Today, popup says “Not Responding”. I wrote to literatureandlatte and Paddle replies saying there is no history of my order of Scrivener. I forwarded my order details that shows details of my purchase. Paddle says to click on “chat with kino”. But now, I’m wondering, if this how I need to communicate with literatureandlatte, through a chatbot? I don’t have a problem with that but I want to be sure before clicking on any link. CAN ANYONE HELP? I just want to reinstall Scrivener.


To reach Literature and latte staff, it is :

Paddle is recent compared to your purchase.
It used to be some other now dead company.

Paddle is just a merchant. You want to talk to LL’s people.

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Try the license recovery tool. Perhaps you’ll get a valid one ?

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Also note that a V1 license doesn’t work in V3.

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You should be able to run the trial for 30 days. That gives you plenty of time to sort things out.