Reinstalled, but where do I type in the registration key?

Hi there, I had to uninstall and reinstall Scrivener because of some weird behaviour. But I can’t see where to enter my registration key? I’m on Windows 11.

Scrivener probably already knows where your house lives.

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Well, the software won’t know anything about your house (unless you type in your address into the General: Author Information tab), but on both platforms the registration details are kept separate from the software and your settings. The only way to remove your activation is to use the associated command in the Help menu on Windows, or the main Scrivener menu on a Mac.

So the program remembers my registration key? I just want to make sure I don’t have an unregistered (trial) copy.

Yes, you could phrase it that way, that it remembers it. It’s more that it writes some information to your computer that it on purpose does not uninstall, so that you can do this without it being a huge hassle.

You can always check that in the Help menu; if it says “Deactivate Scrivener” then it is not a demo mode (you would be getting a big demo welcome message on every launch as well, it’s very hard to miss as it has to be closed before you can work on projects).