Renaming Projects


I’ve been using Scriviner for a while and love it, but I’m having an issue. How do I rename a project? I’ve tried repeatedly using File Explorer but when I open the file it just goes right back to the old name.


It is the project’s folder that needs to be renamed (while the project is closed).

I’ve tried that too, and it hasn’t changed the name (for instance, when I go to the “recent projects” tab or look at the file name)

The recent projects list can’t know. So that is normal.

But it should work if you close Scrivener, rename the project folder and then double click the .scrivx file inside it (which is still of the old name – but will then change name before your very eyes – magic!).

Nope, didn’t do a thing


Well then, use File / Save as, give your project the name you want it to have and then delete the old version once you are sure the new version is fine.

I have no idea why otherwise the renaming won’t work for you. I’ve done it countless times without ever an issue.

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I was hoping there was an easier way, but ah well. Thank you nonetheless!

Are you sure you are doing exactly as @Vincent_Vincent suggests? Windows is pretty much the same everywhere.

Quite sure, and I tried it several times.

Hmm, one caveat when doing it in File Explorer.

  1. Rename the project folder (ProjectName.scriv).
  2. Open it and the ProjectName.scrivx Scrivener Project will still have the old name.
  3. Double click on the old name and the project opens with the new name (acquired/inherited from the .scriv folder).
  4. Closing the project and while still in File Explorer, ProjectName.scrivx Scrivener Project has been renamed to the new name.

So, no need to dispense with projects with old names.

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Just confirming this worked for me 6 months later.

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