Reordering bullet list items

I am using Scrivener 3 for Windows. Is there a way to easily change the order of bulleted items in a list?


The easiest way is to put your cursor into the line you want to move, and then use the shortcuts for Edit â–¸ Move â–¸ Move Up/Down. That works for ordinary paragraphs too, by the way.


Wow, I never knew that existed. What a cool trick. Thanks AmberV

Thank you, AmberV,

I appreciate the answer.

It looks to me like or will do the trick. This seems like an awkward key combination to me. I am going to have to try to figure out some way of making a simpler shortcut.


You can certainly customise the shortcuts.

  • For Mac users, here is how to change and add shortcuts for Mac software. Do be aware that the Move commands are universal—this will also impact item movement in the binder, corkboard and outliner.
  • For Windows, there are for some reason eight separate commands to customise instead of four. Thus to modify the shortcuts you need to go through in the Keyboard options tab and change “Move > Text Up/Right/Left/Down” as well as “Move Up/Right/Left/Down”. Since it is impossible for one to be both text editing and outline editing at the same time, it is safe to assign the same shortcut to the pair of Move and Move Text. The software will complain about a conflict, but it’s not really a conflict. I use Win+Ctrl+ArrowKeys for all forms of movement. For me anyway, it is easier to remember one modifier combination instead of two.
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In case anyone else comes looking for similar info for Mac, just wanted to add that the Mac keyboard shortcuts for moving things around are Ctrl+Cmd+ Left, Right, Up or Down.

These probably can be changed to be the same as those used in OneNote (Opt+Cmd+direction), but that would be a bit of work, since these shortcuts are already used for something else in Scrivener.

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And the opt-cmd-up/down set are for the essential Previous/Next document and it would be sacrilege to change those…

I’ve been using the Scrivener shortcuts for this sort of navigation / editing for so long that the first thing I do when trying out a new editor is to change their foolish ways to the One True Way.