Robin Hobb

I don’t know if you’ve ever heard about this fantasy writer.
She wrote “the farseer trilogy” and i can highly recommend it.
Simply because she has the gift to give life to her character through their detailled psychology. If you add a very good story to that can you ask more?
Just try it! :smiley:

I’m a new Scrivener user (and so far loving it!), but I signed up for the forum just to second this recommendation. Robin Hobb is a good writer. I don’t generally enjoy fantasy books, but I found the Farseer books really, really good.

I really enjoyed the Farseerer trilogy, although I often found myself wanting to beat Fitz over the head with a banana.

Good grief! It’s a Robin Hobb thread.

I’m almost half-way through her back-to-back Farseer trilogies. I should have finnished reading these books by now, but when I do too much of one thing it gets a bit boring. But, that’s not to say I’m bored with them.

At the moment, I seem to be stuck on ‘The Mad Ship’. I must be mad, as at one time I thought I could never stop reading these books.

I will make a promise to myself to finnish these books, as hope to one day draw each character – maybe?

Robin Hobb is responsible for one of my all time favorite lines.

“A scar is never the same as good flesh, but it stops the bleeding.”