RSS Feed no longer works

I usually view articles in News Explorer my Mac based RSS reader but for some reason the posts are no longer coming through.

The developer of News Explorer gave this response:

​This is the internal error I see when I load the feed in News Explorer:

[“NSXMLParserErrorLineNumber”: 417, “NSXMLParserErrorMessage”: Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding !
Bytes: 0x02 0x28 0x53 0x74
, “NSXMLParserErrorColumn”: 31]

This means that the feed is not properly encoded in one specific article in the feed.

The bug doesn’t appear using the open source Vienna news reader, but it may well show up with others.

Could someone at L&L take a look at it please.

Since it appears to be a problem with one specific article in the feed, as they say, it would help a lot to know what the feed URL is. Is this the blog, on the forum?

News Explorer is set to show the latest posts from the forum using this URL:-

For reasons I can’t explain it’s now working again and I appear to have up to date posts. At time of writing the latest is “Taking custom tags from a page in the project” by @Vincent_Vincent timed at 12:35 UK time.

Problem solved or at least it no longer exists.

Okay, it could be that whatever content was causing the problem has rolled off the active feed list. The odd thing is that it is definitely declaring itself as UTF-8 encoded, and if I download the file raw and check it out, it appears to be arriving as a UTF-8 file as well.

Well, if you run into it again, let us know and I’ll be able to probably see the same thing.

Or it is I who magically fixed it.
Glad I could help. :wink:

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Or it is I who magically fixed it.
Glad I could help. :wink:

Always appreciated :slight_smile:

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